Kuchárske knihy sa na súčasnom trhu vyskytujú v obrovskom množstve, no v dávnych dobách to bola skôr cennosť. Kuchárov a kuchárky si kedysi za ich skvelé jedlá cenili až do takej miery, že ich platili zlatom. Varenie bolo totiž v minulosti uznávaným majstrovstvom, s ktorým súviselo aj majstrovstvo zaznamenávať recepty. Stratenú zbierku receptov Márie Terézie, ktorá si ich sama písala a odkladala, v kníhkupectvách určite nenájdete, ale ponúkame vám množstvo ďalších úžasných kuchárok plných tých najchutnejších receptov.
Embracing the Paleo movement is about getting back to basics—eating food in its most simple, unprocessed form, just like our ancestors. And what is more basic…
The 1950s had rock ''n'' roll and the 60s had the Beats. In the 70s and 80s, it was punk rock and modern art. But for the 1990s, it was all about fashion and Kate Moss, Marc Jacobs, and Alexander McQueen were the trio of rebel geniuses who made it great. Each had an amazing talent and each had demons ...
There is no question that adopting a plant-rich diet is better for us - and for the planet - and given the recent meat and processed food crisis, people are becoming ultra vigilant about their diets and the fresh, wholesome food they want to eat. Ski pping meat, even for a few days a week, can make a ...
Fashionable Cocktails is the cocktail book for the switched-on girl who loves trends and fashion. Each chapter profiles a ''''personality type'''' (among them The Fashionista, The Bohemian Girl, The Vintage Girl and of course, the girl who loves the classi c cocktail dress) and offers a delectable selection ...
Foodies and designers alike will fall instantly in love with these gorgeous and unique sweet and savory rainbow-colored tarts by blogger and designer Emilie Guelpa. Cook your way through the rainbow using fruit, vegetables, candy, and other ingredients to create a perfect—and delicious—swatch of color. ...
A stunning cookbook containing more than 50 authentic recipes from the tables of Sicily, the most colorful region of Italy. Recipes are accompanied by texts det…
10 of the best chefs of today reveal who the 100 chefs of tomorrow will be.. Provides unique insights into the incredible variety of culinary talent working today in places as diverse as Paris, Copenhagen, Kyoto, New Orleans, Bilbao, and Beijing.. Includes menus and recipes from each emerging chef, all ...
101 mouthwatering recipes to spread on your bread. From the humble cheese and tomato sandwich to an enormous meatball sub, the sandwich is the most versatile type of food imaginable. Whether you want a simple snack to stick in your lunchbox or someth ing more substantial to see away a Sunday morning ...
Full of favourite recipes from Le Pain Quotidien kitchens, this book is a little slice of our daily bread that you can enjoy at home!Le Pain Quotidien Cookbook&…
Real Vietnamese Cooking is a culinary voyage through this unique country. It samples the memorable meals found everywhere from street stalls, countryside eateries, bia hois and family gatherings, covering the three main culinary regions of the countr y: the hearty food of the cooler North with its four ...
Putting food on the table for the family quickly and economically doesn''t mean you have to compromise on quality. This book shows how Hugh''s approach to food can be adapted to suit any growing, working family, or busy young singles and couples for that matter. Breakfast, baking, lunchboxes, quick suppers, ...
Zlatá kniha múčnikov nadväzuje na úspešnú sériu kuchárok Kataríny Winterovej Varíme podľa Herbára a predstavuje tie najlepšie dezer.
Slovenského herca Braňa Deáka nepoznajú len priaznivci divadla, ale aj fanúšikovia televíznych seriálov. Najmä vďaka nim sa stal z plachého mladíka súčasný sexsymbol a idol žien. Kto vlastne je Braňo Deák? Čo má rád? Čo ho teší? Odpovede prináša táto kniha. Predstaví vám muža, ktorý má rád dobré jedlo ...
An illustrated lifestyle cookbook on the Swedish tradition of fika--a twice-daily coffee break--including recipes for traditional baked goods, information and anecdotes about Swedish coffee culture, and the roots and modern incarnations of this cherished custom. Sweden is one of the world''s top coffee ...
Following the success of "The French Kitchen", Joanne Harris and Fran Warde have collaborated once more to write a French cookbook with a difference. This time they have taken their inspiration from the rural markets of Gascony. Tomatoes as nature intended them to be - large, misshapen and bursting with ...
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Milovník kávy,, Rok vydania : 2020, Názov v originále : Coffee Sommelier.
Až polovina potravinového odpadu v EU vzniká v domácnostech. Nakoupíme toho více než potřebujeme, nevíme, jak správně skladovat potraviny, nebo nám chybí inspirace. Proto vznikla kuchařka Zachraň jídlo v kuchyni, která vás naučí, jak doma méně plýtvat jídlem a ušetřit peníze a přírodu. Na 256 stranách ...
Kniha - 79 strán, česky, brožovaná bez lesklého krytu Polievka je tradičnou súčasťou nielen našej, ale aj zahraničných kuchýň. Má mnoho podôb, od tých ľahších, podávaných ako predjedlo, cez polievky výdatné, ktoré možno servírovať treba k večeru. Až napríklad po polievky sladké ovocné, alebo osviežujúci, ...
Elektronická kniha - autor Vlasta Scheuflerová, Jana Skarlantová, 232 stran.Dle kuchyně pozná se hospodyně - svérázný průvodce bohatou kuchyní první Československé republiky. Knížka plná výborných receptů prověřených řadou desetiletí, některé i stoletím, nabízí mnohem více. Prostřednictvím dobových pramenů ...