Kuchárske knihy sa na súčasnom trhu vyskytujú v obrovskom množstve, no v dávnych dobách to bola skôr cennosť. Kuchárov a kuchárky si kedysi za ich skvelé jedlá cenili až do takej miery, že ich platili zlatom. Varenie bolo totiž v minulosti uznávaným majstrovstvom, s ktorým súviselo aj majstrovstvo zaznamenávať recepty. Stratenú zbierku receptov Márie Terézie, ktorá si ich sama písala a odkladala, v kníhkupectvách určite nenájdete, ale ponúkame vám množstvo ďalších úžasných kuchárok plných tých najchutnejších receptov.
Obsah: - Pomarančovo-čokoládové créme brulée - Pomarančové čokoládové guľky - Čokoláda na čierno-bielo - Horúce čokoládové sabayon - Veselý čokoládový mafin - Čokoládový mousse - Klasický čokoládový puding - Čokoládové fondue - Čokoládové truffle a iné...
Combining autobiography, signature recipes, and background from scientific experts, this is the eagerly-awaited restaurant book from the inimitable Heston Blumenthal. The book itself will be a work of beautiful design, with cloth binding, multiple ribbons, luxury slipcase, incredible colour photography ...
The ingredients, cooks, techniques and tools that have shaped our love of food. We all love to eat and most of us have a favourite ingredient or dish. In today'…
Sprievodca zmenami imidžu a starostlivosti o krásu od známej profesionálnej vizážistky a hair stylistky Marty Gejdošovej, majiteľky bratislavského salónu krásy. Renomovaná odborníčka ukáže, ako sa každá žena môže stať krásnou vďaka zmene imidžu úpravou vlasov a líčenia. V knihe nájdete praktické rady ...
Bravčové stehno plnené sušenými slivkami a orechmi Rolované mäso v paprikovej šťave Palacinkový nákyp plnený špenátom Hovädzia roláda s hubami Plnená tekvica Rolované mäso na zemiakovom lôžku Palacinky plnené šunkou Kuracie stehná plnené pečeňou Plnená kapusta Karfiolová roláda Plnené rebierko a iné. ...
Craft Beer World is the must-have companion for anyone who appreciates decent beer. The last few years have seen an explosion in the popularity of craft beers across the globe, with excellent new brews being produced everywhere from Copenhagen to Colorado, Amsterdam to Auckland. With more amazing beers ...
British gastronomy has a grand old tradition that has been lost over time. Now our most inventive chef is out to reclaim it. Heston Blumenthal, whose name is synonymous with cutting-edge cuisine, still finds his greatest source of inspiration in the unique and delicious food that our sceptered isle once ...
This gorgeous and succesful book is now available in a paperback edition! Sweden''s most famous cooking family take you on a culinary global adventure, from Spain to Thailand and from avocados to cardamom, in Under the Walnut Tree, a beautiful collection of recipes showcasing Anna and Fanny Bergenstr ...
Hlemýždě konzumuje lidstvo od nepaměti. Přesněji řečeno, šneky jedli už naši chlupatí lidoopí prapředkové, a pak už nám to tak zůstalo. S hlemýždi se můžeme setkat na jídelních lístcích vybraných restaurací mnoha zemí. Pokud si chcete hlemýždě připravit doma sami, naleznete zde základní receptůru i celou ...
The first Italian cookbook in a comic book format
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Gurmánská živá strava, Autoři : Andreas Wegener, Rok vydania : 2014,
Radek Baborák, Jiří Bělohlávek, Kateřina Englichová, Marie Fajtová, Jitka Hosprová, Simona Houda Šaturová, Jakub Hrůša, Marko Ivanović, Roman Janál, Ondrej Lenárd, Štefan Margita, Dagmar Pecková, Libor Pešek, Leoš Svárovský, Magdalena Švecová, Ivan Ženatý o jídle a vaření Na čem si pochutná operní diva? ...
Renowned baking author and instructor Peter Reinhart has always been on the forefront of the bread movement--from his seminal work, "The Bread Baker''s Apprentice," to today. In "Bread Revolution," he explores the cutting-edge developments in bread baking, with fifty recipes and formulas that use sprouted ...
Featuring 125 seminal cookbooks from the last 100 years, Cookbook Book is a celebration of the world's most beautiful, influential and informative cookbooks.
Grains and pulses, nuts and seeds: recipes from breads and tortillas to pancakes and pies. In this timely new book Christine McFadden explores the way in which flour has been a staple part of our diet, and provides a comprehensive look at the alternatives to traditional wheat flour. With an increasing ...
Whisky is Scotland\''s national drink and has been for over five hundred years, since then becoming a global phenomenon. It is a drink that is a profound and important part of Scottish life and culture but, unlike other countries and their national libations, it has hardly been used in food. Rachel McCormack ...
Feed your face with satisfying, delicious food. Vegan Comfort Classics is a collection of 101 mouth-watering recipes that combine innovative plant-based cooking with flavoursome comfort food. YouTube sensation Lauren Toyota of the hit vegan channel, Hot for Food, offers indulgent, crave-worthy dishes ...
A decade ago, after suffering from life-threatening autoimmune disorders, Hollywood actress Shiva Rose set out to discover a more holistic way to natural health and beauty. Growing her own organic herbs and flowers; mixing creams, lotions, and tonics; and following Ayurvedic practices and creating mindful ...
''Brilliant and original. From slow feasts to fast food, Linford shows that, no matter what we are cooking, time is of the essence'' - Bee Wilson, Sunday Times The Missing Ingredient is about what makes good food, and the first book to consider the intrinsic yet often forgotten role of time in creating ...