Kuchárske knihy sa na súčasnom trhu vyskytujú v obrovskom množstve, no v dávnych dobách to bola skôr cennosť. Kuchárov a kuchárky si kedysi za ich skvelé jedlá cenili až do takej miery, že ich platili zlatom. Varenie bolo totiž v minulosti uznávaným majstrovstvom, s ktorým súviselo aj majstrovstvo zaznamenávať recepty. Stratenú zbierku receptov Márie Terézie, ktorá si ich sama písala a odkladala, v kníhkupectvách určite nenájdete, ale ponúkame vám množstvo ďalších úžasných kuchárok plných tých najchutnejších receptov.
A stunning cookbook containing more than 50 authentic recipes from the tables of Sicily, the most colorful region of Italy. Recipes are accompanied by texts det…
One of the fastest growing dietary movements now has its first comprehensive guide to enjoying hundreds of naturally gluten-free recipes from around the world This ground-breaking book proves that eating gluten-free should never limit you on taste or culinary curiosity. With 350 naturally gluten-free ...
A captivating journey to off-the-beaten-path French wine country with 100 simple yet exquisite recipes, 150 sumptuous photographs, and stories inspired by life in a small village Readers everywhere fell in love with Mimi Thorisson, her family, and their band of smooth fox terriers through her blog,Manger, ...
Melissa Forti is the Italian Baker. In her tea room in an idyllic medieval town near Tuscany, she bakes beautiful cakes that combine Italian traditions with her own modern twists.This book is a collection of Melissa''s favourite tarts, celebration cakes, loaves, biscuits and coffee-time treats borne ...
Móda: Kompletní obrazový průvodce světem stylu poodhaluje čtenáři všechna kouzla a taje módního světa, provází ho zákulisím módních přehlídek, seznamuje s klíčovými jmény módního průmyslu i statistikami, které běžnému módnímu nadšenci unikají.V publikaci Karen Homerové se dočítáme vše o ikonických modelech ...
Praktický úvod zasvätí do tajov varenia z minima surovín, poradí pri výbere prísad a naučí používať správne postupy, aby jedlo dosiahlo čo najvýraznejšiu chuť. Kniha obsahuje úžasné recepty na každú príležitosť - od raňajok a desiat po jednoduché večere, od prostých piknikových pokrmov až po efekté jedlá ...
Published in 1994 to worldwide acclaim, the first edition of Jancis Robinson''s seminal volume immediately attained legendary status, winning every major wine book award including the Glenfiddich and Julia Child/IACP awards, as well as writer and woman of the year accolades for its editor on both sides ...
An in-depth, personal journey around Japan''s whisky distilleries. Award-winning author and Japanese whisky expert, Dave Broom, tells their story and unveils the philosophy that lies behind this fascinating whisky culture, and how it relates to many Japanese concepts. Dave looks at the history and output ...
Internationally acclaimed star chef Rodolfo Guzmán of Boragó introduces the exciting world of high-end Chilean gastronomy. "It isn''t every day that a resta….
A luxurious collection of the best recipes from the world''s leading Italian cookbook - with all new photography and design First published in 1950, Il Cucchiaio d''Argento, or its English-language offspring The Silver Spoon, is the ultimate compilation of traditional home-cooking Italian dishes. In ...
The acclaimed chef featured in the Emmy-Award winning US PBS series The Mind of a Chef and the Netflix docuseries Chef''s Table explores the rich baking tradition of the Nordic region, with 450 tempting recipes for home bakersNordic culture is renowned for its love of baking and baked goods: hot coffee ...
Aska is the debut cookbook from chef Fredrik Berselius, following the reimagining and rebuilding of his two-Michelin-starred restaurant. He celebrates the heritage and tradition of his native Sweden, his land in upstate New York, and a deep appreciation for the restaurant''s home in Brooklyn. Berselius ...