Kuchárske knihy sa na súčasnom trhu vyskytujú v obrovskom množstve, no v dávnych dobách to bola skôr cennosť. Kuchárov a kuchárky si kedysi za ich skvelé jedlá cenili až do takej miery, že ich platili zlatom. Varenie bolo totiž v minulosti uznávaným majstrovstvom, s ktorým súviselo aj majstrovstvo zaznamenávať recepty. Stratenú zbierku receptov Márie Terézie, ktorá si ich sama písala a odkladala, v kníhkupectvách určite nenájdete, ale ponúkame vám množstvo ďalších úžasných kuchárok plných tých najchutnejších receptov.
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In The Whole Fish Cookbook, groundbreaking seafood chef Josh Niland reveals a completely new way to think about all aspects of fish cookery. From sourcing and butchering to dry ageing and curing, it challenges everything we thought we knew about the subject and invites readers to see fish for what it ...
McFadden celebrates vegetables as only a chef with the soul and experience of a farmer can. The 225 fresh, modern, and entirely approachable recipes range from the raw to the cooked to the preserved. While 75 percent of the recipes are vegetarian, there are plenty in which meat, seafood, and poultry ...
Fourth Estate: From the author of the brilliant A Modern Way to Eat, a new collection of delicious, healthy, inspiring...
What happened when one of today\''s best-loved food writers had a change of appetite? Here are the dishes that Diana Henry created when she started to crave a different kind of diet - less meat and heavy food, more vegetable-, fish- and grain-based dishes - often inspired by the food of the Middle East ...
The food of Thailand is renowned the world over for its distinctive blend of hot, sour, sweet, and salty flavors, and Thailand: The Cookbook is the definitive guide to this much-loved cuisine. Containing 500 recipes ranging from simple snacks and drinks to curries, stir-fries, and elaborate desserts, ...