Kuchárske knihy sa na súčasnom trhu vyskytujú v obrovskom množstve, no v dávnych dobách to bola skôr cennosť. Kuchárov a kuchárky si kedysi za ich skvelé jedlá cenili až do takej miery, že ich platili zlatom. Varenie bolo totiž v minulosti uznávaným majstrovstvom, s ktorým súviselo aj majstrovstvo zaznamenávať recepty. Stratenú zbierku receptov Márie Terézie, ktorá si ich sama písala a odkladala, v kníhkupectvách určite nenájdete, ale ponúkame vám množstvo ďalších úžasných kuchárok plných tých najchutnejších receptov.
Real Vietnamese Cooking is a culinary voyage through this unique country. It samples the memorable meals found everywhere from street stalls, countryside eateries, bia hois and family gatherings, covering the three main culinary regions of the countr y: the hearty food of the cooler North with its four ...
A recipe collection and how-to guide for preparing base ingredients that can be used to make simple, weeknight meals, while also teaching skills like building a…
Handbook to over 50 bread recipes from the American master baker. 200 illus.
",This is a beautiful book, its inspiring, greed-inducing recipes full of big flavour but requiring little effort. Just gorgeous!", - Nigella Lawson",This will stay by my cooker. It's brimful of great uncomplicated ideas, intense flavours and loads of colour.And the recipes really are easy.", ...
Olaszt, kínait, esetleg valami könnyű francia menüt? Globalizálódó világunk előnye, hogy egyre több konyha ízeit kóstolhatjuk meg anélkül, hogy kitennénk a lábunkat otthonról. Ebben segít Gordon Ramsay új könyve, a Világkonyha, amelyben a Föld különböző tájairól összegyűjtött kedvenc receptjeit tárja ...
Renowned baking author and instructor Peter Reinhart has always been on the forefront of the bread movement--from his seminal work, "The Bread Baker''s Apprentice," to today. In "Bread Revolution," he explores the cutting-edge developments in bread baking, with fifty recipes and formulas that use sprouted ...
From the star of BBC One's 'Nigel and Adam's Farm Kitchen' this beautiful and easy-to-use follow-up to 'The Kitchen Diaries II' contains over 600 recipe ideas and is your essential go-to for what to cook every day.
V treťom vydaní atlasu pre milovníkov vín je v jednom zväzku zhrnuté všetko, čo je možné sa o víne dozvedieť. Je to sprievodca po krajinách a oblastiach kde sa pestuje vínna réva ako aj ideálny radca pri nákupe vína. Každý, kto sa zaujíma o víno, tu nájde veľké množstvo praktických informácií počínajúc ...
One hundred inspired recipes to enliven your cooking with pickles, yogurt, kombucha, and beyond. Cultured Foods for Your Kitchen draws on the traditions of fermenting from around the world, offering inspiring ways to incorporate nutritional cultures into everyday cooking. Fermentation is a traditional ...
Celebrated as the world''s first mozzarella bar, Obika presents a collection of simply prepared Italian recipes that combine Italy''s finest artisanal ingredients with innovative presentations. Obika-a Sicilian expression meaning "here we are"-was foun ded in Rome in 2004 as the first mozzarella bar, ...
101 recipes for baking with whole and sprouted grains, making the most of the seasonal harvest, and healing the body through naturally fermented food Sarah Owens spent years baking conventional baked goods, only to slowly realize she had developed a crippling inability to digest or tolerate their ingredients. ...