Kuchárske knihy sa na súčasnom trhu vyskytujú v obrovskom množstve, no v dávnych dobách to bola skôr cennosť. Kuchárov a kuchárky si kedysi za ich skvelé jedlá cenili až do takej miery, že ich platili zlatom. Varenie bolo totiž v minulosti uznávaným majstrovstvom, s ktorým súviselo aj majstrovstvo zaznamenávať recepty. Stratenú zbierku receptov Márie Terézie, ktorá si ich sama písala a odkladala, v kníhkupectvách určite nenájdete, ale ponúkame vám množstvo ďalších úžasných kuchárok plných tých najchutnejších receptov.
Velká, celobarevná kuchařka s celou škálou receptů. V knize najdete recepty od předkrmů po moučníky. Závěr knihy tvoří recepty ze zahraniční kuchyně.ISBN: 978-80-7347-061-6Vydáno: 2009Rozmery v*š: 304 x 230Počet stran: 176Vazba:.
Happy, healthy and hearty - it''s time to cook vegan.In Peace and Parsnips, Lee Watson invites everyone to discover the delights of eating meat- and diary-free recipes, bursting with vitality and taste. Using fresh produce, Lee celebrates this incredibly healthy way of eating through recipes that are ...
Tablet's list of the 100 most Jewish foods is not about the most popular Jewish foods, or the tastiest, or even the most enduring. It's a list of the most significant foods culturally and historically to the Jewish people, explored deeply with essays, recipes, stories, and context. Some of the dishes ...
Užiť si vianočné pečenie s radosťou? Bez stresu, v pohode si vychutnať vianočné dobroty bez výčitiek? Dá sa to! Nechajte sa objať čarom Vianoc, sviatkov pokoja a upečte si spolu s kváskom vôňu a pohodu domova. Táto nádherná kniha obsahuje 38 úžasných vianočných receptov pripravených pomocou tradičného ...
Heidi Swanson is one of the most original voices in cookery today. No other writer combines luscious, fresh, wholesome, and completely enticing food so well. He…
Award-winning Higgidy pies are a firm British favourite. Now, founder Camilla Stephens brings you 100 easy recipes for pies, quiches, tarts, puds and more, so that you can cook your own Higgidy food at home. From simple suppers and quirky quiches to party pies and delectable desserts, this is heartwarming ...
From traditional toffee, fluffy clouds of marshmallow and creamy maple and pecan fudge to sherbet with lolly dippers, the recipes in Sweet Things are the stuff of childhood dreams. Soft, delicately flavoured nougat bars, topped with vanilla caramel a nd covered in chocolate are just big enough for three ...
In Arabesque, Greg Malouf draws his culinary inspiration from childhood memories, family traditions and his travels throught the Middle East, North Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and Moorish Spain. Greg and his writing partner Lucy present a comprehensive A-Z of ingredients widely used in Middle Eastern ...
Jedinečná kniha o dievčatku z Wintonovho vlaku, ktorá svetu objavila legendárnu českú Remosku. V knihe nájdete vedľa rozprávania o Lady Milene Grenfell-Baines, ktorej sa hovorí Lady Remoska,aj veľa báječných receptov, ktoré Lady Remoska v malej okrúhlej pomocníčke pripravuje svojim najmilším.
''These lovely boys always create incredibly tasty food.'' Jamie Oliver David and Stephen Flynn put fun, deliciousness and friendship at the heart of their cooking. By showing that vegetarian food is endlessly varied, packed full of flavour and amazingly easy to prepare they want to spread the love for ...
Cook amazing food for every occasion and eating eventuality with Ultimate. This is the cooking bible from the food magicians at Buzzfeed''s Tasty. Because this is Tasty, you know you can trust that the 150 recipes in this book are all fun to make, inventive, simple to follow and extremely delicious. ...
Cena:21.93€ | Autor:Keyes, Marian | Rok vydania:2012 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780718158897 | Vydavateľ:Penguin
The complete guide to sorting nutrition fact from fiction using evidence-based science and delicious recipes. The healthy eating market continues to thrive, with authors like Joe Wicks seeing recordbreaking sales for accessible healthy eating books. In recent months, however, there has been a backlash ...
A beautiful, comprehensive, and evocative cookbook on a relatively undiscovered cuisine. Despite the Philippines'' location right in the middle of Southeast Asia….
This stunning, fully photographed cookbook includes over 100 tried-and-tested new recipes from bestselling cook Rachel Allen. After years of cooking for her family, teaching at the world-renowned Ballymaloe Cookery School and listening to the questions of home cooks, Rachel has pulled together an ultimate ...