Z viac ako 2700 existujúcich jazykov je práve angličtina druhým najhovorenejším jazykom sveta. Vo všeobecnosti má anglický jazyk najväčšiu slovnú zásobu, najstaršie slová sú staré až 14 000 rokov a v súčasnosti dokonca znalosť angličtiny preferujú veľké firmy a nadnárodné spoločnosti na pracovnom trhu viac ako znalosť materinského jazyka. Ak sa ju chcete učiť, prípadne zdokonaliť a na jazykové školy jednoducho nemáte finančné prostriedky, skúste využiť učebnice a majte vždy po ruke slovník a rôzne knihy v angličtine. Čítajte a zžite sa s ňou.
Tester soi-mme ses connaissances en grammaire, en vocabulaire et en civilisation grâce aux tests CLE, c''est une façon agréable de poursuivre son apprentissage et de consolider ses connaissances en français. Les Tests CLE proposent une large variété d''activités incluant des questions choix multiples, ...
Les Tests d''évaluation constituent un utile complémen au Vocabulaire progressif du français, niveau débutant Chaque page de tests correspond une page de l''ouvrag de référence. Chaque page de tests comprend trois ou quatre exercices variés et notés sur 20. Les tests peuvent s''utiliser de diverses manires ...
Alter Ego 3 s''adresse des apprenants ayant acquis un niveau A2. Il vise l''acquisition des compétences décrites dans le niveau B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence (CECR) et permet de se présenter au nouveau DELF B1. Les 9 dossiers d''Alter Ego 3 s''articulent autour de deux grands axes La vie au ...
Pracovný zošit k učebnici angličtiny Solutions Advanced. Bez kľúča. Anglický text.
Cena:31.1€ | Autor:Oxford Books ELT | Rok vydania:2012 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:5-7 dní | ISBN:9780194739504 | Vydavateľ:Oxford University Press
Graded ''read and do'' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Graded 'read and do' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Graded ''read and do'' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Rozprávka Pinocchio Family and Friends level 3. An exceptionally strong skills training programme which covers language skills, phonics, and civic education skills. This six-level course offers a fast-paced syllabus and a wide range of optional resources to support a high number of teaching hours per ...
No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output. Plus - the amazing package of integrated print and digital resources suits all teaching situations and learner types, supporting ...
The series that develops communication skills by focussing on what language to use and how to sound natural.Each lesson follows a clear, easy to follow format that provides students with plenty of opportunities to listen to natural English and practise in pairs and groups. A Conversation Strategy section ...
Cena:16€ | Autor:Potten, H. & J. | Rok vydania:2000 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9780194340823 | Vydavateľ:Oxford University Press ELT
Cena:11.6€ | Autor:Bowler, Bill | Rok vydania:2002 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780194338486 | Vydavateľ:Oxford University Press
English level: Beginner.A two-year course to follow Happy House, or as a first English course for children who are ready to read and write. The characters found in Happy House have grown up a little and are exploring the streets!Key features.A variety of reading texts including comic strips, topic-based ...
A two-level primary English course offering a wide variety of stimulating activities within a clear structural syllabus. This text approaches English through lively stories passages on topics such as festivals.
A new general English course which focuses very strongly on student motivation and communicative speaking outcomes. Package includes DVDs and interactive whiteboard resources.
Headway Academic Skills can be used independently, or alongside a general English coursebook such as New Headway or New Headway Plus. Designed for students moving on to academic studies or for those on a foundation programme, the series focuses on improving students'' academic skills by: -Developing ...
Coverage of core subjects for Business Studies and related degree programmes Development of reading skills using longer texts from authentic business sources Focus on selected business vocabulary, by topic Practice of essential essay-writing skills appropriate to Business Studies students
With 50% new content and 100% new reading texts, Achieve 2nd edition offers a rich variety of challenging exam-oriented practice material for school leaving and college entrance exams.
American Headway combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to make learning English stimulating, motivating, and effective.