Z viac ako 2700 existujúcich jazykov je práve angličtina druhým najhovorenejším jazykom sveta. Vo všeobecnosti má anglický jazyk najväčšiu slovnú zásobu, najstaršie slová sú staré až 14 000 rokov a v súčasnosti dokonca znalosť angličtiny preferujú veľké firmy a nadnárodné spoločnosti na pracovnom trhu viac ako znalosť materinského jazyka. Ak sa ju chcete učiť, prípadne zdokonaliť a na jazykové školy jednoducho nemáte finančné prostriedky, skúste využiť učebnice a majte vždy po ruke slovník a rôzne knihy v angličtine. Čítajte a zžite sa s ňou.
Fly High is a motivating four-level course for young learners that integrates reading, grammar, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way. Language is presented in humorous cartoon stories and follows the adventures of the Fly High characters.. Games and songs are used to consolidate ...
Accelerate your students'' academic language development with the second edition of the Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas program. This program: Uses direct, explicit vocabulary instruction, which improves learning outcomes for ELLs and struggling learners.Helps English learners and struggling ...
A new edition of the best-selling vocabulary practice title. Whether you're studying on your own or in class, English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate covers all the words and phrases you need at this level to understand and be understood in English. This new edition is fully updated ...
The men and the woman in this book are all real people from history. But every time someone tells an old story, the change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not? Read all six of the stories, and see what you think. Dominoes provide ...
Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn´t exciting until he meets Tim. Tim is a movie star. He has a difficult life, and he is unhappy until he meets Hal. But when they meet, and agree to change places, interesting things start to happen. And, by changing places, the two men learn what is truly ...
Global is a new six-level general English course for adult learners. It is an information-rich course, sophisticated in both presentation and approach. It has international appeal, combining challenging content, intelligent topics and cross-cultural awareness. It features none of the celebrity-driven ...
Pracovný zošti k čítanke Matt´s Mistake z edície Dolphin Readers. Úroveň 2 (425 základných slov). Anglický text.
One of the worlds most successful primary courses, the Happy Series is a six-level course thats perfectly in step with your students development. Happy uses different kinds of learning strategies to
Graded 'read and do' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Graded ''read and do'' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Graded ''read and do'' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Dolphin Readers Activity Book provide extra reading, writing, and speaking practice in the key vocabulary and language structures that appear in each Dolphin Reader. Dolphin Readers are an exciting and varied series of readers for young learners. Covering a range of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, ...
Graded ''read and do'' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Edícia Dolphin Readers pozostáva z piatich úrovní a je určená pre čitateľov vo veku 6-10 rokov. Monkeying Around obsahuje 175 základných slov ( úroveň Starter) Anglický text.
Edícia Dolphin Readers pozostáva z piatich úrovní a je určená pre čitateľov vo veku 6-10 rokov. Silly Squirrel obsahuje 175 základných slov ( úroveň Starter). Anglický text.
Graded 'read and do' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.
Attractive full-colour illustrations and photographs. Integrated activities on every double-page spread. Audio CDs (American English) for all titles. Notes for teachers and parents included in every r.