Z viac ako 2700 existujúcich jazykov je práve angličtina druhým najhovorenejším jazykom sveta. Vo všeobecnosti má anglický jazyk najväčšiu slovnú zásobu, najstaršie slová sú staré až 14 000 rokov a v súčasnosti dokonca znalosť angličtiny preferujú veľké firmy a nadnárodné spoločnosti na pracovnom trhu viac ako znalosť materinského jazyka. Ak sa ju chcete učiť, prípadne zdokonaliť a na jazykové školy jednoducho nemáte finančné prostriedky, skúste využiť učebnice a majte vždy po ruke slovník a rôzne knihy v angličtine. Čítajte a zžite sa s ňou.
Classic / British English Who killed Charles McCarthy at Boscombe Pool? And why? Detective Lestrade from Scotland Yard thinks it was McCarthy's son, James. Things do not look good for James. But the famous English detective, Sherlock Holmes, sees things differently. His friend, Dr Watson, joins him and ...
Paul is shy and Judy has no friends. Oliver is afraid of other boys. Jane and Leo can''t talk about their feelings, and Sue lies to her boyfriends. These five short plays tell the stories of young people with problems. Are there any answers? What do you think?This Pack contains a Book and MP3.
Wtih the land frozen under a coat of snow, the dogs sang of the pain of living. It was a song full of sadness - the same sadness their wild fathers had known, the same fear of the cold and dark. It woke up strong feeling in Buck, and as he sang with them, it took him back to the beginnings of life. Level ...
Cena:18.75€ | Autor:Redston, C & Cunningham, G | Rok vydania:2013 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9781107422100 | Vydavateľ:Cambridge University Press ELT.
Kniha Reading about the English-speaking countries - Aktualizované vydání - Jana Odehnalová máte možnosť výhodne kúpiť na Literama.sk. Vydal - Práh. EAN: 9788072520954 ISBN: 80-7252-095-4
A six-level course with a higher vocabulary load and more reading than most primary courses. Top authors Sarah Phillips and Mary Slattery have brought their understanding of how children learn to this incredibly well thought through course. Your pupils will definitely learn more! Who is it for? For schools ...
A mysterious stranger has come to the island where Costas lives. Why is the man there, and why is he looking at Eagle’s Rock? Costas wants to be the first person to climb the dangerous rock. But will the stranger climb it first? Čítanka z edície Pearson English Readers, úroveň 3 - 1200 základných slov. ...
Description: My First English Adventure makes learning English a memorable, magical experience. By using familiar Disney characters that children know and love, My First English Adventure re-creates a fantastic world of discovery and adventure in the classroom that truly motivates and encourages pupils ...
The Teacher's Resource Book all the support you need with detailed teaching notes, warm-up lead-in and extension activities. There is a bank of Photocopiable activities and DVD/Video worksheets. Plus photocopiable tests covering grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and writing so you can assess your ...
Úplne nový slovník prináša viac než 9500 hesiel z hlavných odborov umenia, teda z maliarstva, sochárstva, grafiky, kresby, architektúry a úžitkového umenia i zo súvisiacich oblastí ako sú fotografie, ľudové umenie a remeslo, reštaurovanie, archeológia, teória a kritika umenia. Slovník je určený pre študentov ...
An exciting and intensive exams preparation course tailored to meet the needs of your teenage students. Focusing on themes from teen culture brought to life with the inspiring DVD, Activate! offers an enjoyable and highly motivating exam preparation experience for a range of international exams. * The ...
Pracovný zošit k učebnici anglického jazyka New Englich File, úroveň intermediate. Súčasťou pracovného zošita je kľúč k cvičeniam a Multi ROM: CD-ROM do počítača (Video Practical English) a audio CD s nahrávkami k pracovnému zošitu. Anglický text
Cutting Edge Third Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that makes this course so popular. Written by industry practitioners the series combines a strong grammar syllabus with the specialist vocabulary and skills that learners need to succeed in their chosen field.. Cutting Edge Third ...