Psychológia je veda, ktorá sa vyvinula z filozofie ako veda o duši. Podľa Hegela je to odbor, ktorého predmetom je duch, resp. duša a vedomie. Keďže ľudská duša je krehká, psychológia teda skúma jej jednotlivé schopnosti, kognitívne procesy a afektívne stavy. Keď si niekedy so sebou nevieme dať rady a hanbíme sa ísť k odborníkovi, veľakrát sú práve knihy tie, u ktorých hľadáme pomoc. Ak ju potrebujete aj vy práve teraz alebo sa chcete dozvedieť o psychológii viac, kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú množstvo kníh.
Some people are obsessively invested in climbing the social ladder. Author Nimrod Kamer (Vice, GQ) undermines this from within as he inserts himself in numerous political or celebrity events. His resumé lists Uber trolling, penetrating members clubs and having Kanye West ask for his information after ...
Creative thinking is something everyone can do. It''s a way of looking at the world afresh, doing new things in new ways, taking risks. With The Creative Nudge, use ''nudge theory'' to unleash your innate originality. A new behavioural science that reveals how small actions can have big impacts on our ...
Humans have become subservient to algorithms. Every day brings a new Moneyball fix - a maths whiz who will crack open an industry with clean fact-based analysis rather than human intuition and experience. As a result, we have stopped thinking. Machines do it for us. Christian Madsbjerg argues that our ...
In 2008, Dr Eben Alexander's brain was severely damaged by a devastating case of bacterial meningitis, and he lapsed into a weeklong coma. It was almost certainly a death sentence, but Dr Alexander miraculously survived - and brought back with him an astounding story. During those seven days in coma, ...
Kniha F. Tylše a kol. Fenomén psychedelie přináší přehled současného stavu poznání v oblasti psychedelické vědy od popisů mechanismu účinku přes vlastní psychologické projevy a jejich závislost na kontextu užití až po historicko-antropologické souvislosti. Jednotlivé oddíly jsou napsané předními domácími ...
New book from the excellent Craig Oldham. Full of pearls of hard-won wisdom and non-patronising advice. Should be on every tyro designer's book shelf. And wouldn't be out of place on the shelves of so
'Tallis writes with clarity and wit' Sebastian FaulksScience, technology and western liberal democracy have all had a dramatic impact on our quality of life. Compared to previous generations, we have unprecedented access to information, increased personal freedom, more material comforts and more possessions. ...
It's time to put down the phone and: visit a botanical garden create a palindrome solve a brainteaser Phone addiction is a modern epidemic. With social media, texting, games, and other apps, it's far too easy to get sucked into an endless spiral of scrolling, wasting hours while missing out on life. ...
Autor, psychiater a psychoterapeut, si v tejto krátkej novele kladie otázku, či by mohla Anne Karenine, tragickej románovej postave z rovnomenného diela L. N. Tolstého, pomôcť psychoterapia. V dobách, do ktorých je umiestnený dej novely, psychoterapia ako samostatná metóda liečby slovom ešte neexistovala, ...
HRANICE SÚ,VŠADE. Či už,vnímame svet tam vonku alebo svoj vnútorný,svet, vidíme určité,oblasti, témy alebo entity a vidíme aj hranice medzi nimi. Oblasti, témy a entity sa detailne skúmajú, no hranice ignorujeme. Čo sa dá,na nich skúmať? Hranice chápeme iba ako ...