Psychológia je veda, ktorá sa vyvinula z filozofie ako veda o duši. Podľa Hegela je to odbor, ktorého predmetom je duch, resp. duša a vedomie. Keďže ľudská duša je krehká, psychológia teda skúma jej jednotlivé schopnosti, kognitívne procesy a afektívne stavy. Keď si niekedy so sebou nevieme dať rady a hanbíme sa ísť k odborníkovi, veľakrát sú práve knihy tie, u ktorých hľadáme pomoc. Ak ju potrebujete aj vy práve teraz alebo sa chcete dozvedieť o psychológii viac, kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú množstvo kníh.
V priebehu roka sa váš život môže zmeniť na nepoznanie a vy začnete vytvárať to, po čom túžite. I Can Academy Motivačný diár 2019 vám postupne, krok za krokom, odhalí kúsky skladačky, ktoré potrebujete poznať, aby ste zobrali zodpovednosť za svoje myslenie a výsledky do vlastných rúk. A začali tak využívať ...
Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play.'' - Matisse Use this essential guide to crack artistic algorithms and improve, sustain and nurture your creativity. Brief Lessons in Creativity presents a rich variety of artistic ...
Během své letité praxe astroložky a mentorky autorka zaznamenala nejčastěji opakující se životní strachy, pochybnosti, klíčové otázky a falešné domněnky a představy o životě člověka. Většina lidí doslova uvízne ve lživé představě o sobě samém, na základě názorů svého okolí, sociálních sítí nebo médií. ...
Elizabeth Wurtzel''s New York Times best-selling memoir, with a new afterword "Sparkling, luminescent prose... A powerful portrait of one girl''s journey through the purgatory of depression and back." --New York Times "A book that became a cultural touchstone." --New Yorker Elizabeth Wurtzel writes with ...
Pohádky mají ve vývoji malého dítěte nezastupitelné místo. Vnášejí do jeho světa smysl a řád a nabízejí mu polarizované, srozumitelné obrazy dobra a zla a podporují rozvoj citového prožívání, sdělují mu informace o mravních dimenzích lidského života a mají i terapeutickou hodnotu. Kniha přináší studie ...
Women spend their working lives adapting to an environment set up for men, by men: from altering the way they speak to changing the clothes they wear to power posing. But still the gender gap persists. And once you see it - women being overlooked, interrupted, their ideas credited to men - it''s impossible ...
As a follow-up to the bestseller Visual Thinking and the second book Visual Doing, the author is releasing two workbooks. These books are great tools to help you kick-start your visual journey and gain the confidence to produce amazing, compelling drawings. The books are crammed with tons of visual exercises, ...
From Alex Elle, celebrated poet and author of Neon Soul and Words from a Wanderer, comes Today I Affirm-a journal and guide to reading and writing daily affirmations. Writing serves as a form of meditation. When we slow down and settle into ourselves, affirmations can assist us in self-awareness, introspection, ...
We spend our lives gathering - first in classrooms and then in meetings, weddings, conferences and away days. Yet so many of us spend this time in underwhelming moments that fail to engage us, inspire us, or connect us. We''ve all sat in meetings where people talk past each other or go through the motions ...
A pioneering psychologist reveals how three emotions can provide the surest, quickest route to success in any realm. A string of bestsellers have alerted us to the importance of grit – an ability to persevere and control one’s impulses that is so closely associated with greatness. But no book yet has ...
Consume less and celebrate more for inner peace and ecological integrity Consumerism drives the pursuit of happiness in much of the world, yet as wealth grows unhappiness abounds, compounded by the grave problems of climate change, pollution, and ecological degradation. We''ve now reached both an environmental ...
How do we find the life that''s right for each of us?More and more of us are feeling overwhelmed by the everyday struggle to lead the lives to which we aspire. Children are placed under unbearable pressure to achieve; adults fight a constant battle to balance family life with work and economic demands; ...
Najnovšie a doplnené vydanie svetového bestselleru FISH! ponúka čarovné podobenstvo o manažmente, čerpajúce ponaučenie z toho najnepravdepodobnejšieho zdroja – zo známeho trhu Pike Place v americkom Seattli, kam milovníci rýb chodia za obchodom i zábavou. Na jednoduchom príbehu Mary Jane, riešiacej problémy ...