Fakty, informácie a poznatky vedeckého charakteru čitateľom ponúka práve odborná literatúra. Pre niekoho knihy nudné a nezáživné, pre iných čitateľov a vzdelancov sú práve odborné knihy jediné, ktoré majú skutočnú cenu a ďalej ľudstvo vzdelávajú, kŕmia inteligenciu, podporujú myslenie a posúvajú o krok vpred. Odborné a vedecké publikácie ponúkajú mnohé kníhkupectvá, univerzity či iné vzdelávacie, vyberte si najvýhodnejšie a majte tak väčšiu radosť z novej knihy, ktorá vás zaručene naučí niečo nové.
Cena:53.75€ | Autor:Rôzni autori (editori) | Rok vydania:2002 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780582357402 | Vydavateľ:Transworld Publishers,
Divided into sections of related disorders, such as disorders of amino acid metabolism, lipid storage disorders and mitochondrial diseases, with an introductory outline where appropriate summarizing the biochemical features and general management issues. This unique, illustrated reference, reflecting ...
A truly global, collective picture of right here, right now, this book presents over 1,000 of the best, most telling images selected from the online photo journals found on the website of one of the liveliest digital communities: Fotolog, where millions of ordinary people obsessively document their daily ...
Hrabal nepředkládá pouze v humanitní historiografii obvyklý výklad "již ten a ten. a onen naopak.". Z jednotlivých zmiňovaných či parafrázovaných pojetí fokalizace i z jejich vzájemné komparace vždy něco vyplývá. Studie je v tomto ohledu dostatečně analytická a pootevřená teoretizujícímu abstrahování, ...
True Provencal spirit comes alive here through photographs and evocative accounts of the best-loved of all French provinces. Provence is a land apart, a territory of outstanding beauty and distinction that has fascinated outsiders since earliest times. The Greeks, the Romans, the barbarians of the North, ...
Cena:10.99€ | Autor:Ueshiba, Morihei | Rok vydania:2007 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781590304488 | Vydavateľ:Shambhala
Cena:38.37€ | Autor:Teach Yourself | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781444105438 | Vydavateľ:Teach Yourself
With contributions from a panel of researchers from a wide range of fields, the chapters of this book focus on evaluating the potential, utility and application of high resolution satellite precipitation products in relation to surface hydrology.
This cornerstone of the "World of Art" series is a succinct, vivid and authoritative guide to the rich history of western dance in all its incarnations from 16th-century court ballet to the genre-shattering contortions of 21st-century theatrical danc e. Updated for the new millennium to feature the latest ...
An updated edition of this bestselling cookbook - the first to explore the menus and manners of ancient Greece and Rome.
Cena:16.1€ | Autor:Hogwood, Patricia | Rok vydania:2003 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780719066696 | Vydavateľ:Manchester University Press
Teaching Children English focuses on an activity-based approach to teaching young learners aged seven years and over. It examines the educational and linguistic needs of children and provides an overview of appropriate classroom techniques. It highlights the importance of effective classroom management ...
Cena:72.11€ | Autor:Mavrotas, George | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780199580934 | Vydavateľ:Oxford University Press
A wide-ranging investigation of the ecology of inner and outer space the role of chaos theory in the dynamics of human creation and the rediscovery of traditional wisdom. In this book of trialogues the late psychedelic visionary and shamanologist Terence McKenna, acclaimed biologist and originator of ...
Birkhäuser: The one-stop handbook on landscape architecture in a revised edition "Constructing Landscape" is a systematic...
Around the globe, people are facing the same problem - that we are born as individuals but are forced to conform to the rules of society if we want to succeed. To see our uniqueness expressed in our achievements, we must first learn the rules - and then how to change them completely. Charles Darwin began ...
Drawing on the cuisine of the Middle Ages, from the fall of the Roman Empire to Henry VIII''''s break with Rome, this new treatment of a classic book explores the relationship between food, religion and the ever-widening gap between the tables of the rich and the poor. Featured is an appetizing collection ...
Třetí vydání učebního textu, který je určen pro studenty fyzioterapie, může však být použit i pro fyzioterapeuty v praxi. Publikace obsahuje výklad základních technik konceptu PNF (proprioceptivní neuromuskulární facilitace) a jejich praktické využití pro oblast končetin, trupu a hlavy. Zařazeny jsou ...
A celebration of one of the most rich and varied landscapes in Europe, here are thirty-six villages and towns from all over Tuscany chosen both for their intrinsic beauty and for the part they have played in Tuscan history. Stand at the edge of a Tuscan hill village and gaze across one of the most extraordinarily ...