Fakty, informácie a poznatky vedeckého charakteru čitateľom ponúka práve odborná literatúra. Pre niekoho knihy nudné a nezáživné, pre iných čitateľov a vzdelancov sú práve odborné knihy jediné, ktoré majú skutočnú cenu a ďalej ľudstvo vzdelávajú, kŕmia inteligenciu, podporujú myslenie a posúvajú o krok vpred. Odborné a vedecké publikácie ponúkajú mnohé kníhkupectvá, univerzity či iné vzdelávacie, vyberte si najvýhodnejšie a majte tak väčšiu radosť z novej knihy, ktorá vás zaručene naučí niečo nové.
Cena:16.27€ | Autor:Loehr, Jim Schwartz, Tony Loehr, James E. | Rok vydania:2004 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780743226752 | Vydavateľ:Free Press
The Energy Bus, an international best seller by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home. Jon infuses this engaging story with ...
Cena:44.99€ | Autor:Flusser, Alan | Rok vydania:2002 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780060191443 | Vydavateľ:Harper Collins
Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship is the newest incarnation of Garry Landreth’s comprehensive text on creating therapeutic relationships with children through play. It details the Child-Centered Play Therapy model, which stresses the importance of understanding the child’s world and perspective. ...
The results of experimental and theoretical sciences show, within their specific cognitive processes, certain concrete as well as mental products of the nature of technicalterms or, to put it in another way, technical notions. However, some of the te rms are less specific and have a more general meaning.Upozornenie: ...
Nepublikované novinky rodinných domov.Projekty domov.Projektové riešenia so zrkadlovými obrazmi a variantnými zmenami.Katalóg obsahuje domy úsporné aj náročné, pre vidiek, mestá, na rovinaté a svahovité pozemky. Tvaroslovie nadväzuje na slovenské tradície. V architektonickom riešení sú uplatnené moderné ...
A coursebook that tells you what you need to know about advertising, from how to write copy and choose a typeface, to how agencies work and the different strategies used for print, TV or cinema and other media, including interactive. It includes exercises throughout that help the reader judge their own ...
This concise survey showcases the work of Australia''''s indigenous artists from all parts of the continent. From Arnhem Land and the desert, the Kimberley and northern Queensland, to modern towns and cities, Aboriginal artists have built on traditions that stretch back at least 50,000 years, working ...
Qu''est-ce que Les Contemplations? C''est l''existence humaine sortant de l''énigme du berceau et aboutissant l''énigme du cercueil; c''est un esprit qui marche de lueur en lueur en laissant derrire lui la jeunesse, l''amour, l''illusion, le combat, le désespoir, et qui s''arrte éperdu au bord de l''infini ...
Sumarizuje učební látku. Vhodné pro 2. stupeň ZŠ ale i stření školy.
Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline. No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life, including your personal goals, business and money ...
A wonderful celebration of dressing up, this follow-up to the hugely successful My Wonderful World of Fashion will appeal to fashion addicts from 8 years up. With hundreds more drawings to complete and colour in, garments to design and textile patterns to invent, it takes your imagination even further ...
Contemporary fashion is a dynamic world where trends evolve at a vertiginous speed. But there are a few aspects that never change, the ones that are claimed to…
The \''key-to-the-door\'' method was at its zenith at the beginning of the 70s. Aime Vandepoel, having just finished his studies as a civil engineer-architect, saw it with dismay. He understood that potential clients needed clear budget and time agreements, but found it a pity that architecture had to ...
This is the fourth edition of the highly acclaimed Beta-Plus Yearbook. Stunning photographs, detailed plans and comprehensive project descriptions of this year''''s most astonishing contemporary houses contribute to a flawless source of ideas.
Collection Privee, directed by Gilles Pellerin and Nicolette Schouten, has home interior stores in Cannes and Valbonne and a design office for interior architecture in Cannes. The most recent projects by Collection Privee on the French Cote d\''Azur are illustrated in this book: an exciting mix of contemporary ...
The volume is a technical guide to energy-efficient buildings, including information on energy certification for buildings in Europe, asia and north America, ty…
Due to the functions it houses, the bathroom must respond to a set of highly specific characteristics, making it one of the most complex spaces in the home. The…
Basics Design 02: Layout (2nd edition) provides a guide to the effective arrangement of text and image elements within a design scheme, enabling students to learn how to create powerful forms of visual communication in both print and electronic media. This title addresses both practical and aesthetic ...