Odborná literatúra prináša širokú škálu teoretických poznatkov, faktov a informácií rôzneho charakteru a pomáha čitateľom zdokonaliť sa v konkrétnej problematike. Kníhkupectvá ponúkajú pestrú paletu odborných kníh písaných v slovenskom jazyku, ale aj po anglicky, aby ste dokázali skrotiť potrebné odvetvie, či už potrebujete odhaliť tajomstvá počítačového softvéru alebo získať nové informácie o výchove dieťaťa. Vyberte si podľa svojich potrieb, začítajte sa a začnite sa vzdelávať v pohodlí vášho domova.
"Young Reading Series Two" is aimed at children whose reading ability is beginning to grow, and helps build confidence and ability. Six popular titles in "Usborne Young Reading Series Two" are re-issued in luxurious hardback editions with ribbon markers. "The Young Reading" series is developed in consultation ...
Funny stories with humorous illustrations. Written in consultation with a specialist in early reading. Easy-to-follow text for young readers. Ages 5-7
The Wordsworth Classics'' Shakespeare Series, with Romeo and Juliet, Henry V and The Merchant of Venice as its inaugural volumes, presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare''s works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. ...
Čítajte príbeh Robinsona, ktorý prežil na opustenom tropickom ostrove neuveriteľných 28 rokov, a študujte pri tom angličtinu! Kniha rozpráva o mladom mužovi, ktorý sa napriek želaniu rodičov vydáva za svojím snom. Príbeh je spracovaný pre začiatočníkov a mierne pokročilých čitateľov. Slovenský zrkadlový ...
The empty centre of Australia. The sun is hot and there are not many people. And when Bill meets a man, alone, standing on an empty road a long way from anywhere, he is surprised and worried. And Bill is right to be worried. Because there is something strange about the man he meets. Very strange.
''''Who is the man with the roses in his hand?'''' thinks Anna. ''''I want to meet him.'''' ''''Who is the girl with the guitar?'''' thinks Will. ''''I like her. I want to meet her.'''' But they do not meet. ''''There are lots of men!'''' says Anna''''s friend Vicki, but Anna cannot forget Will. And ...
''You''re a brave man, but I am afraid for you,'' says Lady Marian to Robin of Locksley. She is afraid because Robin does not like Prince John''s new taxes and wants to do something for the poor people of Nottingham. When Prince John hears this, Robin is suddenly in danger - great danger.
´It ´s an interesting job, ´ says Sally about her work at Happy Hillis. And today is a very exciting day because Zapp the famous singer is coming. Everybody is having a wonderful time. But suddenly something goes very, very wrong. Odporúčaná čítanka k učebnici Project 2, unit 3 - Holidays. Anglický text.
´I´m not a thief. I´m an innocent man,´ shouts Brown. He is angry, because he is in prison and the prison guards hate him. Then one day, Brown has an idea. It is dangerous - very dangerous. (250 Headwords) Čítanka vhodná k učebnici Project 1, Unit 1 - Personal Information. Anglický text.
Oxford Bookworms Library, Starter (250 Headwords, word acount 1,500) "Every day someone takes money from people near the shops. We must stop this", says Dan, a police officer. The police use TV cameras but it is not easy because there are so many suspects. Who is the robber? Anglický text.
Word count 1,600 CD: American English Suitable for young learners Bestseller
Sally is always running - and she has her phone with her all the time: at home, on the train, at work, at lunchtime, and at the shops. But then one afternoon suddenly she has a different phone.and it changes her life. The Oxford Bookworms Library offers high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience, ...
Hank Morgan is a happy young man in Connecticut, USA in 1879 until one day someone runs into his office and shouts, ´Come quickly, Boss! Two men are fighting!´ After this, something very strange happens to him, and his life changes forever. Anglický text.
Word count 1,540 Suitable for young learners Bestseller
There is a new girl in town, says Joe, and soon Steve is out looking for her. Marietta is easy to find in a small town, but every time he sees her something goes wrong.and his day goes from bad to worse. (250 Headwords) Odporúčané čítanie k učebnici Project 1, unit 3 - My world. Anglický text.
Word count 1,710 Suitable for young learners
Greg is a porter at the Shepton Hotel in New York. When a girl with beautiful green eyes asks him for help, Greg can’t say no. The girl’s name is Cassie, and she says she is an artist. She tells Greg that her stepfather has her sketchbooks, and now she wants them back. Cassie says her stepfather is staying ...
´Every day is the same. Nothing exciting ever happens to me,´ thinks Adam one boring Monday morning. But today is not the same. When he helps a beautiful young woman because some men want to take her bag, life gets exciting and very, very dangerous.
´I can drive a truck,´ says Kim on her first day at work in the office. When Kim´s passenger Andy finds something strange under the truck things get dangerous - very dangerous.
Word count 1,928 CD: American English Suitable for young learners