Zápisník má mäkkú šitú väzbu. Obopnutý je pružnou páskou proti samovoľnému otváraniu. Každý zápisník je vybavený zakladačom na poznámky, ktorý je vyrobený z tkaniny a kartónu, textilnou záložkou a letákom s históriou Moleskine. Papier s gramážou 70 g/m2 neobsahuje kyseliny.
Zápisník má šitú väzbu v tvrdých kartónových doskách. Obopnutý je pružnou páskou proti samovoľnému otváraniu. Každý zápisník je vybavený zakladačom na poznámky, ktorý je vyrobený z tkaniny a kartónu, textilnou záložkou a letákom s históriou Moleskine. Papier s gramážou 70 g/m2 neobsahuje kyseliny.
Sada troch zošitov pre každú príležitosť. Zošity majú kartónovú väzbu Posledných 16 listov sa dá ľahko vybrať. Priložený je leták s históriou Moleskine. Papier s gramážou 70 g/m2 neobsahuje kyseliny.
Moleskine''''s Japanese Black Page Accordion Album features a black hard cover with rounded corners and an elastic closure, black pages, black endpapers and a black expandable inner pocket for loose items. The pages are made from 200 gram top-quality, heavy, acid-free paper and are folded in an accordion ...
Inspired by the journalistic tradition, the "Moleskine Reporter" notebooks give users new ways to express their ideas. The soft cover notebooks sport the same expandable pocket and elastic enclosure as their siblings, with a flexible cardboard cover and acid-free paper pages. The last 24 pages of each ...
This title is part of the new "Passions" range from Moleskine. Centreing on the 6 big passions of the world (recipes, wine, music, books, wellness and film), Moleskine now offers this range of 6 notebooks specifically tailored to each passion. "Film" features 6 tabbed themes to fill in, 6 blank sections ...
Like comfy jeans on the weekends, "The Moleskine Cahier" is casual yet durable. A journal for all occasions - it''s soft, light and fits in every pocket. A flexible cardboard cover houses the acid-free paper pages, while the thread stitching is visible on the spine. The back cover has a spacious pocket ...
Dostatok miesta na zachytenie krajiny. 72 stránok bavlneného papiera.
Like comfy jeans on the weekends, the "Moleskine Cahier" is casual yet durable. A journal for all occasions - it''''s soft, light and fits in every pocket. There is a flexible cardboard cover that houses the acid-free paper pages, while the thread stitching is visible on the spine. The back cover has ...
This classic little black book with elasticated closure and expandable inner pocket with squared paper is now available in...
Cena:17.86€ | Autor:MOLESKINE | Rok vydania:2005 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9788883705519 | Vydavateľ:Moleskine
Like comfy jeans on the weekends, the "Moleskine Cahier" is casual yet durable. A journal for all occasions - it''s soft, light and fits in every pocket. There is a flexible cardboard cover that houses the acid-free paper pages, while the thread stitching is visible on the spine. The back cover has a ...
240 linajkových stránok s laminovanými abecednými štítkami.
Anotace: The Moleskine Cahiers are journals with a flexible heavy-duty cardboard cover in blue with visible stitching on the spine. The last 16 sheets are detachable and there is a pocket for loose notes. Each set of 3 pieces includes the Moleskine history. With acid free paper ruled pages. Set of 3.
Na poznámky, náčrty a skice. 192 čistých stránok, posledných 24 listov je možné vybrať.
Large Moleskine squared notebook, now available in red, with 240 squared pages for notes, graphs, charts and technical drawings. Also includes an elastic enclosure, an expandable inner pocket, is thread bound and contains an information card detailing the history of Moleskine.
Sada troch zošitov pre každú príležitosť. Zošity majú kartónovú väzbu Posledných 16 listov sa dá ľahko vybrať. Priložený je leták s históriou Moleskine. Papier s gramážou 70 g/m2 neobsahuje kyseliny.
Sada tří velkých sešitů pro každou příležitost. Sešity mají kartonovou vazbu. Posledních 16 listů lze snadno vyjmout. Papír s gramáží 70 g/m2 neobsahuje kyseliny.
Na rýchle poznámky priamo na mieste. 192 linajkových stránok, posledných 24 listov je možné vybrať.