A part of DC Universe: Rebirth! Still reeling from the events of "I AM GOTHAM," the epic first arc in Tom King\''s brand new BATMAN series, the Dark Knight finds himself up against some of the biggest (literally) threats he\''s ever faced within the city limits of Gotham. To save the city he loves, Batman ...
The Brotherhood of the Assassins is in trouble. Their long feud with the Templar Order has depleted their resources and they are struggling to regain their footing in a world where the goalposts are constantly shifting. Could joining forces with a mysterious collective help, or are their aims too different ...
A "New York Times" Bestseller! As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics - The New 52 event of September 2011, "Detective Comics" is relaunched for the first time ever with an all-new number numbered 1! With the first seven, hard-hitting issues from acclaimed writer/artist Tony S. Daniel, Bruce Wayne returns ...
Nepropásněte! Konec se blíží! Doktor Faust zabydlený v těle Davidova bratra Honzy vytáhne z rukávu poslední trumf a společně s Komplexem a svými věrnými vytáhne do boje za ovládnutí světa! Podaří se Zázrakovým spojencům získat z golema recept na elixír nesmrtelnosti a zachránit umírajícího magistra Kellyho? ...
The adventures of a traveling merchant and his wolf goddess companion continue in this bestselling historical fantasy!
Poslední kapitola dobrodružství, které navždy změní životy našich hrdinů! Osudy Davida a jeho rodiny, Pružiny, magistra Kellyho a Komplexe se spojí v kataklyzmatickém finále druhé sezóny DECHBEROUCÍHO ZÁZRAKA! A jako speciální host: PÉRÁK!
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, All-New Wolverine Vol. 03: Enemy of the State II, Autoři : Tom Taylor, Rok vydania : 2017,
I když to může vypadat, že se zmutovanými mloky se Zázrak vypořádal, všemu konec ještě zdaleka není. To jen naši realitu začala přepisovat její jiná verze, a na Zemi nastává chaos. V roztříštěné přítomnosti se navíc objevuje i dávno poražený Faust! Co se to proboha děje? Kdosi se pokouší změnit minulost ...
The life of a traveling merchant is a lonely one, a fact with which Kraft Lawrence is well acquainted. Wandering from town to town with just his horse, cart, and whatever wares have come his way, the peddler has pretty well settled into his routine-that is, until the night Lawrence finds a wolf goddess ...
Třetí pokračování čtyřdílné minisérie, kterou pro Dechberoucího Zázraka připravil ilustrátor Petr Kopl! Ten ve své vlastní dějové linii, pro kterou napsal i scénář, propojil svět prvního českého superhrdiny Zázraka s postavami Vzkříšenců ze své předchozí série Procitnutí. Co nás tedy v novém Zázrakovi ...
DC Comics: A part of DC Rebirth! New Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz debut a new era of emerald greatness,...
ACTION COMICS VOL. 1 is here, as a part of DC Rebirth! Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrow's newest protector: Lex Luthor. But it's not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected -- the new Clark Kent! The two arch-enemies must put aside their differences ...
Lze se postavit samotné sudičce smrti, jedné z pohádkových Tří sudiček, které určují naše osudy? Zázrak a Tereza se o to přinejmenším pokusí, protože bez magistra Kellyho svět, jak jej známe, přestane existovat. Která z roztříštěných realit nakonec přetrvá? Ta, v níž zvítězil Faust nebo ta, kde Česko ...
Přímo z roku 1591 se do naší současnost dostal mistr Krysař, jemuž se vůbec nelíbí, jakou neplechu zde tropí Bondyho zmutovaní mloci. Jeho plán na vyčištění města si ovšem nezadá s tím nejdrsnějším deratizačním prostředkem. A to se zase nezamlouvá Pružině! V minulosti naopak uvízl Zázrak, tedy David ...
Collecting a whole year's worth of Deadpool stories packed into one oversized hardcover! First, the Skrulls have invaded, and no one on Earth is safe. Shape-shi…
In these tales from the 1980s, Batman splits off from the Justice League of America to form his own super-team known as the Outsiders. Including established heroes Black Lightning and Metamorpho as well as dynamic new heroes Katana, Geo-Force, and Halo, the team fought for justice on an international ...
Harley\''s known for her even temperament and economy of language—oh, we can\''t even finish that sentence. Let\''s face it: she\''s crazy, and she talks too much. So what happens when she discovers a nemesis even more insane and more hyper-loquacious? It\''s Harley vs. the unbelievable Red Tool! Now ...
The #1 New York Times bestselling series! When the Crime Syndicate nearly destroyed our world, Lex Luthor led the fight against them. Now, with public opinion of him at an all-time high, Superman''s former nemesis has decided to continue fighting for good full time - as a member of the Justice League! ...
He tried to slam her with love, but she dunked his heart. Reads R to L (Japanese Style). He tried to slam her with love, but she dunked his heart. Shohoku advances to the final four in their prefecture, but the team they will face next, Shoyo, boasts one of the tallest squads around. Hoping to capitalize ...
He tried to slam her with love, but she dunked his heart. R to L (Japanese Style). With just a minute remaining on the game clock, Shohoku still trails Ryonan by four points. Hoping to put this match away for good, Ryonan hands the ball to their ace Sendoh, but they make the fatal error of overlooking ...