Prvá fotografia uzrela svetlo sveta v roku 1826 a urobil ju Joseph Niépce. Za prvý film vďačíme bratom Lumierovcom, ktorí v roku 1895 zorganizovali prvé filmové predstavenie . Tieto počiatočné zázraky sa stále zlepšovali, a tak sa v dnešnej dobe môžeme tešiť z tých najdokonalejších fotografií a najlepších filmov. Na to, aby ste sa stali majstrom fotenia či odborníkom na filmy, potrebujete knihy, ktoré vám v tom pomôžu. Ak však len zbierate knihy plné úžasných fotografií, aj vy si prídete na svoje.
Der bekannte Schweizer Fotograf und Buchautor Martin Zurmühle erklärt die Kommunikation in der Fotografie und die besondere Magie, die herausragende Bilder auf uns ausüben.§Fotografien wirken auf vier verschiedenen Wegen auf den Betrachter. Lernen Sie diese Zusammenhänge kennen und nutzen Sie dieses ...
Knihu Josef Kunzfeld (Petra Trnková) si môžete pohodlne objednať na Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve
Nová kniha fotografky Dity Pepe, literární dokumentaristky Barbory Baronové a knižního grafika Milana Nedvěda zabývající se tématem přijímání sebe sama. Součástí knihy je rozhovor s profesorem Zygmuntem Baumanem. "Poprvé jsem větu Měj ráda sama sebe slyšela v Německu, kam jsem v devatenácti letech odešla ...
Fotograf a publicista Andrej Bán v knihe Kosovo ponúka pohľad na ľudí a krajinu, ktorá prechádza ťažkými skúškami. Kosovo (Kosovská republika) je od roku 1999 pod administratívnou správou OSN, o bezpečnosť sa stará NATO a policajnú a súdnu misiu zabezpečuje Európska únia EULEX. Fotografie Andreja Bána ...
Mojich prvých päť rokov (CZ)Popis:Mojich prvých päť rokov Beginninds je luxusná knižka, ktorúsprevádzajú nádherné a jedinečné zábery celosvetovo preslávenejfotografky Anne GeddesTáto báječná publikácia uľahčí a inšpiruje k zaznamenávanievšetkých vzácnych okamihov z prvých piatich rokov života Vášhodieťatka. ...
What if, in a world where millions of us can capture and share our lives instantly with one another, there was a place to bring the best of these images together? Now there is. Life on Instagram is the first and only annual of its kind. Celebrating everyday moments of beauty, joy and imagination and ...
Zoom into space on an exciting adventure in this toddler-friendly board book from the award-winning, bestselling creator of How to Catch a Star and Lost and Found.
Go Photo! features twenty-five hands-on and creative activities inspired by photography. Aimed at children between eight and twelve years old, this playful and…
Norman Mailer's pro-JFK profile and seminal New Journalism showpiece Superman Comes to the Supermarket, originally published in Esquire in 1960, now rediscovered in photo book form. Alongside the comp
Sensual and softly surreal, the nude photography of Ralph Gibson frames the female form both organically and graphically, referencing art history while also innovating in the arena of erotic imagery, at once summoning visceral sensation and calling out for tactile attention. Thumb through this exquisite ...
No photographer is more closely associated with a city than Brassai (1899-1984) is with Paris. From the moment he moved there in 1924, he devoted his life and art to immortalizing his adopted city capturing the street life by day, the cafes and the Seine by night. A friend of Picasso and Henry Miller, ...
Including 121 artists from 40 different countries as selected by 79 curators, critics and established artists, Vitamin Ph includes the following artists: Armando Andrade Tudela, Alexander Apostól, Miriam Bäckström, Yto Barrada, Erica Baum, Valérie Belin, Walead Beshty, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Luchezar Boyadjiev, ...
Following the same format as the cult hit Paris in Store, this quirky look at 100 of London’s offbeat shops and shop windows is a delightful record of a disappearing world, a refreshing counterpoint to the increasingly globalized, world of 21st-century shops and shopping experiences. This snapshot of ...
Robin Kyte-Coles set out to document images of the Buddha and Buddhism throughout Asia. This aesthetic and mystic journey took him to remote spots in India, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Taken using as little flash as possible, the resulting images are spellbinding— ...
Prvá vysokoškolská učebnica, ktorá sa zaoberá genézou, výskumom a perspektívami prevencie jednej z najnebezpečnejších vírusových chorôb – chrípke. Ani pri dnešnej vysokej vedeckej úrovni výskumu a metód v oblasti virológie nevie nikto s istotou predvídať, v akej mutácii a s akou silou môže toto nebezpečné ...
Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868-1952) is best known for his outstanding documentary record of the North American Indian tribes in the first decades of the twentieth century. His portrayal of their ceremonies and daily work, his mesmerising close-up portraits, and his powerful landscapes of the American West ...
LUMAS is the unique worldwide representative for more than 120 established artists and promising young talents. LUMAS\'' mission is to keep art aficionados abreast of modern art a and make original pieces accessible. This book showcases 70 highlights from the LUMAS portfolio, taking us on an unusually ...
The DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: China is your indispensable guide to this beautiful part of the world. The fully updated guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the must-see sites, plus streetby-street maps of all the fascinating cities and towns. DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: ...
In our modern digital age, the polaroid is already becoming a relic of the past. However, the fleeting moment and the uniqueness of it, lend the polaroid a quality beyond its mere merit as a "good” or "bad” photograph. Like a painting, a polaroid becomes an irreplaceable treasure and object of desire, ...
Cena:32.75€ | Autor:HIMPE, TOM | Rok vydania:2008 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780500514160 | Vydavateľ:Thames & Hudson