Dizajn už nie je cenovo dostupný len pre boháčov. Existujú totiž umelci, ktorí sa snažia, aby bol dostupný všetkým. Chápu ho ako demokratické umenie, čo znamená, že sa dotýka všetkých, bez ohľadu na spoločenské postavenie a kultúrne hodnoty. Súčasný svet sa rozvíja neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou a keďže si človek málokedy všíma jeho krásu, dizajn je v našich životoch na to, aby zlepšil náš život po estetickej, zmyslovej či emocionálnej stránke. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť o dizajne viac, v kníhkupectvách dostanete tie pravé knihy.
Plywood is an astonishingly versatile material, made by gluing together layers of cross-grained veneers, creating a pliable board that can be stronger than solid wood. Stylish and practical, plywood offers huge possibilities for experimental design, and it has been used to make a wide range of products, ...
Containing more than 500 new logos and letterheads, this is the latest edition of the annual.
Design in the 21st Century has liberated itself from industrial conditions and the associated physical demands. With new technology, expanded choice of material…
Kniha zkoumá a podrobně mapuje současný stav grafického designu, s důrazem na vizionáře oboru: od plakátů, knih a časopisů až po typografii. Představí novou generaci tvůrčí dokonalosti s nejrůznějšími přístupy. Text v angličtině. Graphic design as a formal discipline is in constant flux. In recent years, ...
Autorka tejto knihy si kladie za cieľ jasne sformulovať, usporiadať a rozčleniť veľké množstvo zložitých problémov, na ktoré narazí každý grafický dizajnér v snahe úspešne a efektívne používať typografické postupy a metódy, ale zároveň nechce tieto otázky príliš zjednodušovať. Kniha je určená pre dizajnérov ...
Editorial Design: Digital and Print is a comprehensive guide to the traditional and digital skills that a designer will need for a future career in visual journalism today the design of magazines and newspapers for a wide variety of markets. Generously illustrated, including case studies, practical exercises ...
"Logo Mondo" is a replete, typography and logo collection, reflecting today''s urban aesthetic. The collection is a tour de force, brimming with individuality and selected from thousands of entries submitted from hundreds of designers worldwide. The content is divided into categories, including typographic, ...
Publikácia Fonts SK mapuje tvorbu digitálneho písma na Slovensku a zameriava sa na reflexiu písmarskej tvorby vytvorenej v lokálnom kontexte, ako aj tvorbu domácich autorov tvoriacich v zahraničí. Popisuje časový záber od pionierskych začiatkov v deväťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia až po súčasnosť. ...
The first English-language survey of the intricate embroidery and colorful dyes of Banjara textiles, among the most dazzling produced in India The Banjara, an ethnic group composed of semi-nomadic tribes found throughout the Indian subcontinent, are renowned for their highly colorful textiles. Embellished ...
Fashion is one of the defining features of human evolution and culture. Its fascinating development through different civilizations and periods of our history is currently generating an impressive amount of interest, not only in the fashion world but also within the academic community and, as a result, ...
Each volume focusses on one of the key factors that play a role in decoration - Color, Storage, Accessories, Lighting, Flooring & Materials or on different kinds of houses or spaces - Rooms for fun, Rooms for kids or Urban apartments. The photographs, accompanied by descriptive captions.
From building blocks to city blocks, an eye-opening exploration of how children\''s playthings and physical surroundings affect their development. Parents obsess over their children\''s playdates, kindergarten curriculum, and every bump and bruise, but the toys, classrooms, playgrounds, and neighborhoods ...
Anniversary edition celebrating the life and work of Romain de Tirtoff, better known as Erté, whose illustrations for Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue made him one of the most sought-after artists of the 20th century. Romain de Tirtoff (1892–1990), who changed his name to Erté (‘R’ and ‘T’ in French) when he ...
"Vývoj posledních desetiletí dává za pravdu všem, kteří v designérské tvorbě již dříve spatřovali důležitý integrující faktor moderní či postmoderní kultury a poukazovali na jeho zprostředkující roli mezi oblastí materiální každodennosti a světem umění. Jestliže se design stává předmětem široce založeného ...
Collecting Design tells all about an addictive occupation, vintage pieces vs. limited editions, the big names and what to keep an eye on, all from the perspecti…
A successful home is the perfect synthesis of personality and zeitgeist; it is a living work of art, a cultural artifact, and the object of ceaseless curiosity. Highly sensitive to this phenomenon, our Interiors Now series tracks the constantly evolving and multifaceted fabric of contemporary interior ...
A companion volume to the popular Big Book of Design Ideas shares a wealth of examples that can be adapted for a wide variety of needs, from promotional materials and exhibits to products and posters, in an illustrated guide formatted to help designers to build on original ideas.
TASCHEN has teamed with D&,amp,AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual – featuring the year’s best creative work – available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic ...
Fascinujúce rozprávanie o nacistických zločincoch, ktorí unikli spravodlivosti v povojnovom zmätku a o tých, ktorí sa ich snažili vystopovať. Na vzorke niekoľkých nacistov – napr. Josefa Mengeleho, Adolfa Eichmanna alebo Franza Stangla – autor opisuje ich únik z Nemecka a odhaľuje, kto im pomáhal utiecť ...
2010. Kreslena ilustrace je opet v kurzu! Graficke programy ji v 90. letech zatlacily temer do role prezitku, pocitacove triky se vsak jiz omrzely a dobu digitalnich montazi ci ploche vektorove grafiky opet strida navrat tradicniho remesla – a opet