Dizajn už nie je cenovo dostupný len pre boháčov. Existujú totiž umelci, ktorí sa snažia, aby bol dostupný všetkým. Chápu ho ako demokratické umenie, čo znamená, že sa dotýka všetkých, bez ohľadu na spoločenské postavenie a kultúrne hodnoty. Súčasný svet sa rozvíja neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou a keďže si človek málokedy všíma jeho krásu, dizajn je v našich životoch na to, aby zlepšil náš život po estetickej, zmyslovej či emocionálnej stránke. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť o dizajne viac, v kníhkupectvách dostanete tie pravé knihy.
Kniha: Islam - Decorative designs: (EAN:9782809902877) máte možnosť kúpiť na Literama.sk. .
Unikátna knižka, inšpirovaná jedným z najvplyvnejších a najrešpektovanejších denníkov sveta. Okrem najdôležitejších titulných strán, ktoré nájdete priamo v knihe, sú k nej pribalené aj 3 DVD so všetkými titulkami New York Times od roku 1851 až po rok 2009. Pri starších stranách, ktoré nie sú celkom dobre ...
Collectable, one-of-a-kind artisanal objects whether hand-woven textiles or handblown glass have become a fixture of the modern home; and the artists who produce them are increasingly sought-after. In this follow-up volume to The New Artisans, design expert and lauded blogger Olivier Dupon continues ...
This definitive survey of one of the most popular, collectable and dynamic periods of international design offers a rich overview of all aspects of the subject. It covers furniture, lighting, glass, ceramics, textiles, product design, industrial desi gn, graphics and posters, as well as architecture ...
This new addition to the Workbook series will provide readers with a thoughtful packaging primer that covers the challenges of designing packaging for a competitive market in a very hardworking and relevant way. The book will address all aspects of the creative process, including choosing a package format, ...
In "Mesmerization", Gee Thomson deconstructs contemporary culture in a new and exciting way. From faith to fashion, psycho-babble to cyber-sex, the book examines the viral nature of memes, those ubiquitous spells and social prescriptions that drive and shape global behaviour. These influences are fundamental ...
Have you ever visited an condom café? Ever been to a double decker bus pub? Or visited a beauty salon that sells more drinks than beauty treatments? No one has…
A fascinating visual guide, "Pictopia" provides a source of inspiration for design professionals and amateurs. The images included in "Pictopia" cover a multitude of subject areas, such as war, peace, animal rights, racism, life and death, represented in more than 400 royalty-free illustrations, offering ...
Now more than 50 pages longer, Sign Gallery 6 presents the latest Signs of the Times competition winners, honorable mentions, and others in this expanded editio…
"We Love Magazines" explores magazines and magazine culture with visuals and editorial contributions from around the world. The book features in-depth analysis of various aspects of magazine creation while, as the title reflects, celebrating with genuine pleasure a medium that continues to entertain, ...
Cena:29.91€ | Autor:Betsky, Aaron | Rok vydania:2008 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9780714848617 | Vydavateľ:Phaidon
Packed with original logos, corporate symbols, and trademarks, this collection includes work by more than 400 designers from around the world. All logos are indexed and categorized according to industry for ease of reference.
Fashion Prints is a concise step-by-step guide to designing symmetrical and repeat patterns for fashion design. The book contains 12 chapters, each containing a wide range of basic elements needed to create a pattern. It is demonstrated how to make various grids and how to apply the design elements to ...
Náčrtník, zápisník a příručka v jednom. Kniha je unikátní pracovní nástroj pro grafiky a studenty. Obsahuje zmenšeniny běžných formátů (obálky, vizitky, CD atd.) pro vytváření návrhů; informace o papírových a digitálních formátech atd. Text anglicky.A sketchbook, notebook and reference book in one, "Sizes ...
Decorating Asia taps into the range of rich and diverse styling elements that are reflected in Asian countries, highlighted by the strong colour theme…
The best annual reports express a company\''s accomplishments and goals with compelling design solutions. "Annual Reports 2007-2008" showcases the finest in corporate communication with spreads and covers from award-winning reports selected by a distinguished international jury. This year\''s judging ...
The design bar is at an all-time high for those brave enough to participate in the industry. Today’s designers must be clear on all the steps necessary to create work that stands out in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, most design books only focus on type, color, and layout issues. ...
They’re all here: ads that make you laugh, ads that make you spend money, ads that make you think. Advertising Annual 2008 gathers more than 300 of the year’s b…
Total Design Sourcebook is a new series that aims to round up the very best design solutions within a particular field. A mixture of case study and analysis, this series features inspirational ideas, concise interviews, innovative solutions, and i maginative imagery, all presented in a sophisticated, ...
Kelvin investigates today’s evolving perception and application of colour. Structured into chapters that each focus on a single colour, the book documents some…