Beletria, alebo aj prozaické umelecké dielo, prináša do našich životov nové príbehy, vzrušenie i zážitok, ktorý pre nás napísal autor a pred našimi očami ho nakreslila naša vlastná fantázia. Klasická anglická literatúra prináša nezabudnuteľné príbehy Williama Shakespaera či Jane Austenovej. Knihy po anglicky a príbehy ukryté na ich stránkach nám nielenže rozjasňujú dni a vytŕhajú nás z každodennej nudnej rutiny, ale rovnako nás nútia aktívne premýšľať nad vetnými konštrukciami a pomáhajú nám v zdokonaľovaní sa v cudzom jazyku.
In this and indeed other lives there are givers and takers. It's safe to say that vampires are very much in the latter camp. They don't have much time for the givers of this world - except perhaps mealtimes - and even less for priests. Mightily Oats has not picked a good time to be a priest. Lancre's ...
Learn how to command a chess army in this friendly introduction, with entertaining illustrations on how the pieces move, and tons of tips on attacking, defending and winning. A perfect starting point for young children - and a handy refresher for parents and grandparents! With links to specially selected ...
Based on the success of her strikingly original storybook The Fairytale Princess, Su Blackwell''s sumptuous fairytale images, cut out from the pages of classic fables, are now brought to life in three dimensions in this beautiful paper theatre. Everything a child needs to re-enact the well-loved story ...
A sporty sticker book full of scenes to fill with over 350 colourful stickers including footballers at the training ground, getting ready for the match and a victory parade. Also contains blank football kit stickers for children to colour in with their favourite team stripe.
Don''t you know a sand-fairy when you see one?'' I dare say you have often thought about what you would do if you were granted three wishes. The five children - Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and their baby brother - had often talked about it but when they are faced with the grumpy sand-fairy they find ...
London is one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world, packed with buildings and landmarks - such as Big Ben, The Tower of London and the London Eye - that are known and loved the world over. Part of a collectible series, featuring fascinating subjects to ''Look Inside'' such as Mummies & Pyramids, ...