Beletria, alebo aj prozaické umelecké dielo, prináša do našich životov nové príbehy, vzrušenie i zážitok, ktorý pre nás napísal autor a pred našimi očami ho nakreslila naša vlastná fantázia. Klasická anglická literatúra prináša nezabudnuteľné príbehy Williama Shakespaera či Jane Austenovej. Knihy po anglicky a príbehy ukryté na ich stránkach nám nielenže rozjasňujú dni a vytŕhajú nás z každodennej nudnej rutiny, ale rovnako nás nútia aktívne premýšľať nad vetnými konštrukciami a pomáhajú nám v zdokonaľovaní sa v cudzom jazyku.
In L.A. Candy, nineteen-year-old Jane Roberts moves to L.A. and unexpectedly becomes the star of a reality TV show. With fame comes wealth, hot clothes, and even hotter love interests-and Jane\''s lapping it all up with her eclectic entourage of pals who are always up for a wild night out and the chance ...
Now an HBO original series, True Blood—the New York Times bestselling Sookie Stackhouse series continues. Except for Sookie Stackhouse, folks in Bon Temps, Louisiana, know little about vamps.
A facsmile first edition hardback of the Poirot book, published to celebrate 80 years as the nation''s favourite detective. Nick Buckley was an unusual name for a pretty young woman. But then she had led an unusual life. First, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed. Then, on ...
Cena:7.84€ | Autor:SIMON, FRANCESCA | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781444000016 | Vydavateľ:Orion.
Cena:16.99€ | Autor:Johnson, Kij | Rok vydania:2001 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780312875596 | Vydavateľ:Tor Books
Cena:9.23€ | Autor:Llewellyn, Julia | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9780141033655 | Vydavateľ:Penguin
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was an awesome sword-fighter, a dragon-whisperer and the greatest Viking Hero who ever lived. But it wasn''t always like that. Hiccup''s memoirs look back to when Hiccup was just an ordinary boy, and finding it very hard to be a Hero. Can Hiccup find Grimbeard the Ghastly''s ...
Illustrated, fun-to-use dictionary, designed to present and consolidate basic vocabulary. This beautifully illustrated dictionary contains more than 1,500 words most needed by young learners. The book is topic-based and presents vocabulary through attractive pictures and meaningful text. With The Express ...
Washed ashore as a baby in ancient Greece, Halo is discovered by a family of centaurs. Although her true identity remains a mystery, she is loved as one of their own. But when Halo is dragged away by fishermen, her wild adventure begins... Halo soon realizes that if she is to survive then she must live ...
In Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God\''s Messengers, author Harold Rosen explores the lives of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha and Baha\''u\''llah and finds remarkable connections. According to Rosen, these patterns suggest our world\''s religions share universal teachings ...
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there\''s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Possessed by a deadly beast, Rhage is the most dangerous of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. ...
Orion Publishing Co: 'Fourteen heart-felt stories of life and love' (WOMAN & HOME )'The perfect poolside read that will take...
Cena:9.59€ | Autor:SAUL, JOHN | Rok vydania:2008 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780230702189 | Vydavateľ:Pan
Cena:12.43€ | Autor:Pratchett⁄Stewart ⁄Cohen | Rok vydania:2013 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780091951726 | Vydavateľ:Ebury Press
"Let\''s have a rummage sale," says Madame Gazelle. Peppa and her friends give some old toys. What can Daddy Pig give? Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language. ...
"Let\''s have a rummage sale," says Madame Gazelle. Peppa and her friends give some old toys. What can Daddy Pig give? Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language. ...
Slavný pohádkový příběh o putování malé Dorotky a jejích neobvyklých přátel za všemocným čarodějem Ozem do Smaragdového města, příběh, v němž jsou slovy autora zachovány zázraky a radost a vynechány bolesti a noční můry. - Dvojjazyčné vydání ( na levé straně anglický a na pravé straně český text) s gramatickým ...
Matilda különleges lány, de a szülei sajnos komplett idióták. Az apja szélhámos, az anyja meg sötét, mint egy belső zseb. Ki nem állhatják a lányukat, azt szeretnék, ha többet tévézne, és kevesebbet olvasna. Czukor kisasszony, a tündéri tanárnő viszont hamar rájön, hogy Matilda zseni. Az iskola rettegett ...
Amikor Tiro, az egyik római senator bizalmi embere egy hideg novemberi napon ajtót nyit egy halálra rémült idegennek, olyan eseményeket indít el, melyek végül a történelem egyik legnevezetesebb bírósági tárgyalásának, egy tárgyalóteremben játszódó izgalmas drámának a főszereplőjévé teszik gazdáját. A ...
Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia is the definitive guide to the people, aliens and droids of the Star Wars galaxy and is now bigger and better than ever before, packed with new characters from Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens. Want to know how tall Darth Vader is? Or where the ferocious Nexu ...