Strategic Management

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Všeobecne o ekonomike, práve

Titul je viazaný na špeciálnu objednávku, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť (platia Všeobecné obchodné podmienky - časť Reklamačný poriadok)! Combining quality and user-friendliness with rigor and relevance, Frank T. Rothaermel synthesizes theory, empirical research, and practical applications in a breakthrough ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Všeobecne o ekonomike, práve


Titul je viazaný na špeciálnu objednávku, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť (platia Všeobecné obchodné podmienky - časť Reklamačný poriadok)! Combining quality and user-friendliness with rigor and relevance, Frank T. Rothaermel synthesizes theory, empirical research, and practical applications in a breakthrough new text designed to prepare students for the types of challenges they will face as managers in the globalized and turbulent business environment of the 21st century. This new textbook, written with a single, strong voice, weaves together classic and cutting-edge theory with in-chapter cases and strategy highlights, to teach students how companies gain and sustain competitive advantage. Strategic Management, traditionally called Business Policy or Capstone, is taken by all undergraduate business majors and MBA students during their senior year. The nature of the course is cross-functional, blending topics from the management, marketing, finance, operations, accounting, and economics disciplines. In addition to the text chapters (concepts), many instructors rely heavily on the case teaching method, making the cases an important factor in the decision-making process. Simulations and readings are also popular. Internal Competition: Rothaermel is our 3rd generation strategy text that unlike our other texts synthesizes theory, research, and applications in a unique combination of rigor and relevance. It contains 12 mini cases, 30 full-length, comprehensive cases of which 50%are author-written. Exceptionally strong cases are a hallmark of the Rothaermel text.

