Happy Rabbit Realistic Dual Density Rabbit

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Vibrátory a dildá

If you love a lifelike feel, this is the happy rabbit for you. Wrapped in unbelievably soft liquid silicone, its thick, realistic shaft offers you 12 vibration functions, while our iconic rabbit ears caress the clitoris with 3 vibration speeds. Use the simple 2-button interface to cycle through the speeds ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Vibrátory a dildá


If you love a lifelike feel, this is the happy rabbit for you. Wrapped in unbelievably soft liquid silicone, its thick, realistic shaft offers you 12 vibration functions, while our iconic rabbit ears caress the clitoris with 3 vibration speeds. Use the simple 2-button interface to cycle through the speeds and patterns until you find the combination that drives you wild. There are a w-hopping 15 different functions to choose from so you can find intense blended pleasure and satisfaction. Start jumping for joy, because your happy rabbit is completely waterproof for underwater pleasure sessions, has a travel lock for peace of mind on the go, and recharges via USB for eco-friendly enjoyment wherever you travel. happy rabbit loves water-based lube. Squeeze a generous dollop over the shaft and ears for the best slip-slidey goodness. happy rabbit Dual Density''s vital stats: - Ears 3 x vibration speeds - Shaft 3 x vibration speeds & 9 x vibration patterns Key Features: - Lux.

