Z viac ako 2700 existujúcich jazykov je práve angličtina druhým najhovorenejším jazykom sveta. Vo všeobecnosti má anglický jazyk najväčšiu slovnú zásobu, najstaršie slová sú staré až 14 000 rokov a v súčasnosti dokonca znalosť angličtiny preferujú veľké firmy a nadnárodné spoločnosti na pracovnom trhu viac ako znalosť materinského jazyka. Ak sa ju chcete učiť, prípadne zdokonaliť a na jazykové školy jednoducho nemáte finančné prostriedky, skúste využiť učebnice a majte vždy po ruke slovník a rôzne knihy v angličtine. Čítajte a zžite sa s ňou.
Way Ahead is an imaginative, six level course for primary school children who are learning English as a foreign language. The course is reading- based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which ...
Way Ahead is an imaginative, six level course for primary school children who are learning English as a foreign language. The course is reading- based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which ...
Way Ahead is an imaginative, six level course for primary school children who are learning English as a foreign language. The course is reading- based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which ...
Cena:7.04€ | Autor:Barker, C & Mitchell, L | Rok vydania:2005 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781405019033 | Vydavateľ:Macmillan
The Flashcards can be used to introduce new words, letters and numbers. There are also suggestions for how to use them in games and other activities in the Teacher's Book. Level 2 contains 114 flashcards in the pack, including 55 vocabulary flashcards, 30 phonics flashcards and 29 number flashcards.
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model; and encouragement for students to take more control of their learning needs.
Unikátna učebnicová rada pre študentov stredných škôl, ktorí chcú uspieť na maturitách.. Systematicky pripravuje na písomnú i ústnu skúšku/maturitu.. Autentické texty a nahrávky, reálie a kultúra anglicky hovoriacich krajín.. Zameriava sa na hovorené prejavy, v ktorých študenti často robia chyby a vysvetľuje ...
Cambridge English for Schools offers: - interesting topics that make pupils want to learn - enjoyable activities to encourage students to take part in class - content with strong links across the school curriculum, making the material relevant and helping to build students\'' confidence - an approach ...
Cena:8.6€ | Autor:GUDE, KATHY | Rok vydania:2012 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780194386463 | Vydavateľ:Oxford University Press ELT
A series that prepares students for secondary school-leaving exams. Key features: Matrix develops grammar, vocabulary and the four main skills within an exam context. Engaging texts provide authentic input for the development of students\'' reading and listening skills, and provide cultural information. ...
Yankee Candle Red Apple Wreath - Veniec z červených jabĺčok vonná sviečka Classic strednej sklo 411 g, Svíčka střední velikosti provoní prostor po dobu 65 až 90 hodin stálou a věrnou vůní do posledního záblesku plamínku. (Věnec z červených jablíček) Návrat domů k vánočnímu stromečku zkrášlí tradiční ...
Táto učebnica je prvou v súbore, ktorý obsahuje 4 časti: Pupil\''s Book, Activity Resource Pack, Activity Book a Teacher\''s Book. Všetky učebnice sú ilustrované formou komiksových dobrodružstiev detektíva menom Captain Shadow, ktorý je zároveň sprievodcom v ríši nových slovíčok a gramatiky. Pre lepšiu ...
Make English lessons exciting and fun with Treetops. Delightful characters and stories stimulate students'' imaginations, motivating them to learn. Three engaging contexts, the seasons, the town, and medieval legends, offer you the opportunity for fun cross-curricular activities. And, you can enliven ...
A completely new Upper Intermediate level of the world''s most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course.With fully revised texts and topics, refreshed design and artwork, and brand new digital resources, the Upper Intermediate ...
Cena:2€ | Autor:Redman, Stuart | Rok vydania:2005 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9780194388641 | Vydavateľ:Oxford University Press ELT
Pracovný zošit k učebnici anglického jazyka New English File Upper-intermediate. Súčasťou pracovného zošita je kľúč k cvičeniam a Multi ROM: CD-ROM do počítača (Video Practical English) a audio CD s nahrávkami k pracovnému zošitu. Anglický text
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model; and encouragement for students to take more control of their learning needs.
A fun course for young learners aged 7 - 10.Characters and comic stories balance real and imaginary world.A clear, systematic structure combined with vivid illustrations which stimulate the senses for better recall.It adapts to the emotional and intellectual growth of the child and the characters also ...
Each of the four levels comprises about 80 hours of class work, with additional time for the self-study work. The Teacher''s Book contains all the pages from the Classroom Book, with interleaved teaching notes including optional activities to cater for different abilities. There is a video to accompany ...
The lessons are based on an episodic story about a group of young school friends and their adventures.New grammar is presented in context, and then reinforced through Grammar Focus boxes and practice exercises.Each unit begins with a visual presentation of key vocabulary.Talk Time sections offer presentation ...