Z viac ako 2700 existujúcich jazykov je práve angličtina druhým najhovorenejším jazykom sveta. Vo všeobecnosti má anglický jazyk najväčšiu slovnú zásobu, najstaršie slová sú staré až 14 000 rokov a v súčasnosti dokonca znalosť angličtiny preferujú veľké firmy a nadnárodné spoločnosti na pracovnom trhu viac ako znalosť materinského jazyka. Ak sa ju chcete učiť, prípadne zdokonaliť a na jazykové školy jednoducho nemáte finančné prostriedky, skúste využiť učebnice a majte vždy po ruke slovník a rôzne knihy v angličtine. Čítajte a zžite sa s ňou.
The activities in Dominoes keep students engaged in the stories and help to reinforce their understanding of the key language. They can be completed at home or in class. The project activities in Dominoes build on the themes from the story and encourage students to draw on their own experiences. Activities ...
Zoe Baker works in a bookstore. She also likes acting, and she has a part in the play Romeo and Juliet. Mike Morrison writes about the play for the newspaper. Wha does he write about Zoe? Is Zoe a good actress. or is she just "a pretty face"? What does Zoe think when she reads the newspaper? What does ...
Telové mlieko po depilácii Diet Esthetic Body 10 Body Milk Moisturizer And Post Depilation.Telové mlieko Diet Esthetic Body 10 Body Milk Moisturizer And Post Depilation hĺbkovo hydratuje pokožku po depilácii. Aplikácia mlieka po depilácii voskom, laserom alebo žiletkou zaisťuje hydratáciu a zanecháva ...
"He´s an intelligent man. He was once rich and is now poor. His wife loved him once, but she doesn´t love him now. And he´s thirty or forty years old." One look at an old hat, and Sherlock Holmes can tell you a lot about its owner. He sees - and thinks - a lot more than the people around him, and when ...
Dominoes are full colour readers with extensive Activities and Project pages. They are suitable for students who need more support in their reading than is provided by traditional readers. The Activities and Projects can be used either in class or as homework. Graded from Beginner to Level 3 (Pre-Intermediate) ...
In Hamburg, Germany, Professor Otto Lidenbrock comes home with an old Icelandic book. In it there is a message about a journey to the centre of the Earth. This is the beginning of one of Jules Verne´s most exciting stories. "Is this message true? We must go to Iceland and see!´ says Lidenbrock excitedly. ...
When Pollyanna´s farther dies, she goes to live with her Aunt, Miss Polly Harrington. Miss Harrington likes doing good, but she doesn´t like children very much!Pollyanna always tries to find the good in everything. She soon makes many different people in her new home feel happier. But is Miss Polly´s ...
It´s Gromit the dog´s birthday, and his friend Wallace gives him an unusual present - a pair of Techno-trousers. At first Wallace uses the trousers to take Gromit for walks, but when the penguin comes to stay, he uses them one night for something different - very different. This strange story won the ...
The men and the woman in this book are all real people from history. But every time someone tells an old story, the change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not? Read all six of the stories, and see what you think. Dominoes provide ...
Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn´t exciting until he meets Tim. Tim is a movie star. He has a difficult life, and he is unhappy until he meets Hal. But when they meet, and agree to change places, interesting things start to happen. And, by changing places, the two men learn what is truly ...
Tento doposiaľ najrozsiahlejší všeobecný anglicko-slovenský a slovensko-anglický slovník je určený širokému okruhu záujemcov o anglický jazyk. Jeho stavba je orientovaná na praktické každodenné používanie pre tých, ktorí potrebujú rýchlu, stručnú a presnú informáciu. Slovník obsahuje: * vyše 85 000 anglických ...
Classic / British English Two babies are born on the same day in England. One boy is a prince and the other boy is from a very poor family. Ten years later, they change places for a game. But then the old king dies and they cannot change back. Will the poor boy be the new King of England? This Pack contains ...
Classic / British English Hans Andersen wrote many stories, and these are some of the best. We meet a very, very small child, a bird with a beautiful voice, a mermaid with legs, an ugly duckling with no friends - and an emperor with some very strange new clothes. These stories teach us lessons for life. ...
Učebnica v 25 lekciách ponúka viac než 300 najpoužívanejších idiomov a idiomatických spojení súčasnej americkej angličtiny. Formou dialógu, výkladu i českého prekladu a v desiatkach cvičení čitateľom umožní lepšie pochopiť ich význam, precvičiť si ich a osvojiť si ich správne použitie. Ako samostatný ...
Cena:7.8€ | Autor:EVANS, VIRGINIA | Rok vydania:1999 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781842161074 | Vydavateľ:Express Publishing
This is an easy-to-use course for children with two hours of English a week. It is now with a new Starter Level for pupils who have not yet learned to read.
Cena:9.12€ | Autor:Kerr , P. & Jones , C. | Rok vydania:2006 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9781405075190 | Vydavateľ:Macmillan ELT
Bilingválny anglicko-slovenský jazykový sprievodca všetkým, čo potrebujete pri objavovaní v zahraničí aj mimo turistických chodníčkov. Najdôležitejšie frázy do vrecka v angličtine, aby ste v každej situácii našli tie správne slová.. a vaše cestovanie bude skutočným pôžitkom! - Aby ste v každej situácii ...