Robinson Crusoe

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Crusoe’s father wants him to be a good guy, but Crusoe wants nothing more than to travel around the world. His first voyage is a disaster! Robinson survives but doesn’t go home and travels to Brazil. Then….At the age of eighteen, Robinson Crusoe, a young Englishman, leaves his family to see the world. ...viac

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Crusoe’s father wants him to be a good guy, but Crusoe wants nothing more than to travel around the world. His first voyage is a disaster! Robinson survives but doesn’t go home and travels to Brazil. Then….At the age of eighteen, Robinson Crusoe, a young Englishman, leaves his family to see the world. One night, there’s a terrible storm. His ship goes down and all his friends die. Robinson gets to an island. What will he do all by himself? How will he live? Will he ever see England again?In this Reader you will find:.Information about Daniel Dafoe’s life | Focus On Sections | Appreciation and Extension Activities.Syllabus:.Vocabulary areas: Means of Transport; Nature; Animals; Travels Grammar and structures: Simple Present: states and habits; Present Continuous: actions in progress; Past Simple: finished actions; Can: ability; Could: ability; Must: Obligations; Will: offers, predictions; Colour, size, shape, quality, nationality; Demonstrative: this, that, these, those; Prepositions: place, time.Stage 1 - Elementary - 600 headwords - A1.


  • Otec Crusoea chce zo syna vychovať správneho človeka, aby bol jeho syn správny človek, no on po ničom inom netúži viac, ako precestovať svet. Prvá plavba je ale pohroma! Robinson síce prežije, ale vrátiť sa domov nechce a radšej cestuje do Brazílie. Potom.
  • Osemnásťročný Angličan Robinson Crusoe opúšťa rodinu, aby mohol vidieť svet. Jednej noci sa strhne hrozná búrka. Loď sa potopí a všetci jeho priatelia zomrú. Robinson sa však dostane na ostrov. Ale čo bude robiť úplne sám na opustenom ostrove? Ako prežije? Uvidí ešte niekedy Anglicko?

