Populárna kultúra je kultúra, ktorá má v prvom rade zabávať a zarábať veľké prachy. Možno práve preto ju tak mnohí odborníci zatracujú. Viete však, čo ju spustilo? Bol to napríklad biblický príbeh o Kainovi a Ábelovi ako prvá podoba kriminálnych románov, Odysseovo putovanie ako paralela k dobrodružstvám Indiana Jonesa a pod. V súčasnosti ju tvoria horory, diela z červenej knižnice, fantasy, komiksy, festivaly, oblečenie s nápismi, rôzne veľkofilmy atď. Sila popkultúry je nevyvrátiteľná a je dokonalým odrazom spoločnosti. Žiadame si ju však my sami.
Knihu Subkultura a styl (Richard Hebdige; Karel Tůma; Miroslav Kotásek) si môžete pohodlne objednať na iPark.sk Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve iPark.sk.
Cena:26.2€ | Autor:Boxall, Peter | Rok vydania:2008 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781844036141 | Vydavateľ:Cassell Illustrated
Plump ladies at lunch; girls on a night out; shopping in the mall: for over fourty years Beryl Cook brought our everyday world to colorful life, capturing moments of social history to create a perceptive record of life in the second half of the twentieth century. This highly popular book, the last to ...
Since 1994, Juxtapoz Magazine, published in San Francisco, has provided a forum for so called Lo-Brow art-work inspired by comics, hot rods, and popular culture —and has become, in the years since, the most widely read art magazine in the United States. Juxtapoz provides a voice and validation for a ...
Leave it to Juxtapoz to fully cram the best artists from the hot rod, low rider, and kustom kulture world into one book. It’s pure eye candy for existing fans and an aesthetic eye opener for everyone else. Written by underground journalist Kevin Thomson, and edited by Robert Williams in conjunction with ...
An exclusive design or a special edition can make almost any object into a luxury item. But there is only one item in each category that can call itself the most expensive in the world. The Barbie doll with a diamond dress or the unique office chair by a top designer. There is even the most expensive ...
Michael Jackson, one of the most successful recording artists of all time, also has the distinction of being the most depicted cultural figure; an inspiration for an extraordinary array of leading artists – from Andy Warhol and Isa Genzken to David Hammons and Glenn Ligon – working in a variety of styles ...
Nach Graffiti und Street Art sind Urban Interventions die nächste Generation künstlerischer Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum. Sie beschäftigen sich meist räumlich mit allen Aspekten und Bestandteilen der Stadt. Die Straße wird zur Leinwand und Galerie, zum Atelier, Labor und Club. Die Kunst kommt zum Publikum. ...
Street art has established itself as an integral part of the art world in the last few years. The crossover from subculture to high culture is illustrated by th…
Which living artists keep their price? Who will be regarded as an investment 30 years from now? A decade after its sensational appearance, the most expensive li…