Silk is one of the oldest fabrics known to man, its discovery as a weavable fiber dating back as early as the mid-third century BC in China. Europe was exposed to the incomparable delicacy of silk—soft, sensuous and shimmering in its opulence—via the "Silk Road" which created an insatiable demand. ...
Vydáno: 2012Rozmery v*š: 180 x 92Počet stran:.
Europe was exposed to the soft shimmering sensuality of silk via the "Silk Road” from China. With the invention of the silk loom in 1804, artisans were able to create increasingly intricate designs. These journals are exactingly printed to recreate the luminosity and look of silks from this classic era, ...
Pôžitok pre oči aj dušu Spoločnosť Hartley & Marks Publishers vyrába kvalitné a originálne zápisníky Paperblanks už takmer 20 rokov. Jedným z hlavných cieľov tejto spoločnosti je ochrana životného prostredia, preto sú všetky diáre, zápisníky, skicáre či adresáre vyrobené z obnoviteľných zdrojov. Linajkový.
Paperblanks; ISBN: 978-1-55156-456-2;