Fakty, informácie a poznatky vedeckého charakteru čitateľom ponúka práve odborná literatúra. Pre niekoho knihy nudné a nezáživné, pre iných čitateľov a vzdelancov sú práve odborné knihy jediné, ktoré majú skutočnú cenu a ďalej ľudstvo vzdelávajú, kŕmia inteligenciu, podporujú myslenie a posúvajú o krok vpred. Odborné a vedecké publikácie ponúkajú mnohé kníhkupectvá, univerzity či iné vzdelávacie, vyberte si najvýhodnejšie a majte tak väčšiu radosť z novej knihy, ktorá vás zaručene naučí niečo nové.
The top-selling book on safe and effective cabling, endorsed by the Electronic Technician\''s Association International, has been updated to deliver the most current and reliable information. In this definitive guide, cable installers, network administrators, consultants, and technicians get all the ...
Design, configure, and manage MPLS TE to optimize network performance. Almost every busy network backbone has some congested links while others remain underutilized. That\''s because shortest-path routing protocols send traffic down the path that is shortest without considering other network parameters, ...
Cena:56.1€ | Autor:Nahavandipoor, Vandad | Rok vydania:2013 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781449342753 | Vydavateľ:OReilly Media
Die Fabrik der Zukunft muss reaktionsschnell, wandlungs- und vernetzungsfähig sein. Die bisherigen Methoden der Fabrikplanung und des Fabrikbetriebs sind dafür nicht mehr ausreichend; deshalb haben die Autoren sie den neuen Anforderungen angepasst und weiterentwickelt.
Atkins\'' Physical Chemistry is widely acknowledged by students and lecturers alike around the globe to be the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. Now in its tenth edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features and maths support, and has been radically restructured ...
Cena:58.44€ | Autor: Levinson, William A. | Rok vydania:2002 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781563272608 | Vydavateľ:CRC Press
Available this summer in its Eighth Edition, Rosenbaum\''s classic, comprehensive text once more provides definitive coverage of environmental politics and policy, lively case material, and a balanced assessment of current environmental issues. Notable revisions include: a completely revamped energy ...
Cena:39.82€ | Autor:Gough, Robert | Rok vydania:1993 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781560220220 | Vydavateľ:CRC Press
In this new book, newly built apartments are presented by interior architects and designers. A beautiful illustrated book full to the brim with inspiration for designing a contemporary apartment.
Der ergänzende 2. Band dieses umfassenden Kompendiums der Küche setzt sich vorwiegend mit dem Thema Menüzusammenstellungen (über 1.100 Menüs) auseinander. Aus dem Inhalt Küchenbetriebswirtschaft; Einführung in die Ernährungslehre und Menükunde; Erstellung von Menüs (auch für Gemeinschaftsverpflegung, ...
Cena:69.95€ | Autor:Rôzni autori (editori) | Rok vydania:2006 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780321279675 | Vydavateľ:Pearson Education Ltd.
CMMI® (Capability Maturity Model® Integration) beschreibt Best Practices für die Entwicklung und Wartung von Produkten und Services über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg. CMMI integriert die wesentlichen Wissensbereiche und stellt dadurch Unternehmen ein umfassendes Framework zur Verfügung, um ihre ...
This thoroughly revised, extended and updated edition of a critically acclaimed textbook provides an accessible and cohesive introduction to the burgeoning discipline of institutional economics. Requiring only a basic understanding of economics, this lucid and well-written text will be essential reading ...
Cena:60.43€ | Autor:Lane, Greg | Rok vydania:2007 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781563273629 | Vydavateľ:Productivity Press
This book provides a comprehensive account of the theory of image formation in a confocal fluorescence microscope as well as a practical guideline to the operation of the instrument, its limitations, and the interpretation of confocal microscopy data. The appendices provide a quick reference to optical ...
Bei der Diskretisierung von Randwertaufgaben und Integralgleichungen entstehen große, eventuell auch voll besetzte Matrizen. In dem Band stellt der Autor eine neuartige Methode dar, die es erstmals erlaubt, solche Matrizen nicht nur effizient zu speichern, sondern auch alle Matrixoperationen einschließlich ...
Introduction to Genomics is a fascinating insight into what can be revealed from the study of genomes: how organisms differ or match; how different organisms evolved; how the genome is constructed and how it operates; and what our understanding of genome structure and function means in terms of our future ...
The progress of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a clinical tool has been extraordinary, out-stripping the rate of development of any other imaging technique. There has been a huge increase in the practical applications of MRI techniques and its uses look likely to extend even further with the development ...
The discovery of p53 in 1979 marks the beginning of a most fascinating era of modern cancer research and molecular biology, an era that is still in full swing and does not show any signs of ending in the foreseeable future. p53 has emerged as a key tumor suppressor and important target for novel cancer ...
Viruses are some of the simplest infectious agents on the planet, yet can cause severe and even life-threatening diseases in all forms of life - including humans. Despite relying on host cells in order to replicate, viruses can be capable of extremely rapid reproduction and very effective transmission ...