Fakty, informácie a poznatky vedeckého charakteru čitateľom ponúka práve odborná literatúra. Pre niekoho knihy nudné a nezáživné, pre iných čitateľov a vzdelancov sú práve odborné knihy jediné, ktoré majú skutočnú cenu a ďalej ľudstvo vzdelávajú, kŕmia inteligenciu, podporujú myslenie a posúvajú o krok vpred. Odborné a vedecké publikácie ponúkajú mnohé kníhkupectvá, univerzity či iné vzdelávacie, vyberte si najvýhodnejšie a majte tak väčšiu radosť z novej knihy, ktorá vás zaručene naučí niečo nové.
Graphic Design Referenced is a visual and informational guide to the most commonly referenced terms, historical moments, landmark projects, and influential practitioners in the field of graphic design. With more than 2000 design projects illustrating more than 400 entries, it provides an intense overview ...
Cena:20.95€ | Autor:Boyd, Brian | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780674057111 | Vydavateľ:The Belknap Press
Grüne Wände leicht gemacht - Verschiedene Systeme für drinnen und draußen - Planung, Technik und Installation - Bepflanzung und Pflege Ein faszinierender Garten an der Wohnzimmer- oder Hauswand ist nicht nur dekorativ, sondern sorgt gleichzeitig noch für ein gesundes Raumklima. In diesem Buch werden ...
"Starchitects" is a complete catalogue of the most impressive architects and architectural firms working today, along with lavish full-color illustrat…
A collection of essays, which show how deliberative democracy should play an important role even in the debates about military intervention abroad. It is suitable for those who are intent on giving reason and reciprocity a more prominent place in politics than power and special interests.
This is not a book about charismatic visionary leaders. It is not about visionary product concepts or visionary products or visionary market insights. Nor is it about just having a corporate vision. This is a book about something far more important, enduring, and substantial. This is a book about visionary ...
Since its release in 1949, The Hero with a Thousand Faces has influenced millions of readers by combining the insights of modern psychology with Joseph Campbell\''s revolutionary understanding of comparative mythology. In these pages, Campbell outlines the Hero\''s Journey, a universal motif of adventure ...
Cena:25.16€ | Autor:Demaggd, Kurt | Rok vydania:2012 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781449320362 | Vydavateľ:OReilly Media
Cena:25.16€ | Autor:Rôzni autori (editori) | Rok vydania:2013 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781137024923 | Vydavateľ:Palgrave Macmillan
"The Freakonomics of big data." -- Stein Kretsinger, founding executive of Advertising.com; former lead analyst at Capital One This book is easily understood by all readers. Rather than a "how to" for hands-on techies, the book entices lay-readers and experts alike by covering new case studies and the ...
Are you an entrepreneur about to create a new web application? If you want to maximize your chances of building something customers want, this book demonstrates ways to apply and test techniques for c
Since the last century, most of the public space has been designed for and around the automobile. Gradually, a mostly undifferentiated infrastructure developed into landmark architecture, with buildings and constructions of all kinds that interpret and mark the contemporary's ”automobile way of life”. ...
Maintaining transparency while being able to medialise large areas in an economically viable way are parameters which guarantee the success of the transparent media facade. Be it as stainless wire mesh or panels - compared to the standard LED screen the transparent media facade is superior in terms of ...
We are proud to offer this important book on icons dating from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. These sixty icons from the Kolomenskoye State Museum a…
The epic, disturbing story of how the FBI is America''''s real secret service. ''''Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out. The hand of our power should close over them at once'''' President Woodrow Wilson, 1919. The United States is a country founded on the ideals of democracy ...
This enduring collection of twenty-one sermons by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, each originally delivered at Westminster Chapel in London, carefully and compassionately analyzes an undeniable feature of modern society from which Christians have not escaped—spiritual depression. Christian people, writes Lloyd-Jones, ...
Loris gehören zu den farbenprächtigsten und deshalb zu den attraktivsten Papageien. Die Lori-Pflege setzt nicht nur Fachwissen voraus, sondern auch die Kenntnis und Beachtung mancherlei gesetzlicher Bestimmungen, die zum Schutz der bedrohten Tierwelt erlassen wurden. Das Buch beschreibt ausführlich die ...