Obchod, reklama a marketing sú v súčasnosti odbory, ktoré sú čoraz vyhľadávanejšie a preferovanejšie nielen u uchádzačov a študentov, ale aj na pracovnom trhu. Potrebné informácie a znalosti nemusíte len získavať z odborných skrípt či z prednášok. Alebo ak ste sa rozhodli podnikať a neviete ako zdvihnúť vaše zisky, kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú knihy, vďaka ktorým sa dozviete množstvo rád a zaujímavostí. Riadenie vášho obchodu alebo inej podnikateľskej činnosti už nemusí byť také zložité. Využitím tej správnej reklamy a marketingu to pôjde oveľa ľahšie.
Titul obsahuje otázky, odpovede a riešenia prípadov z praxe k aktuálnym témam a novelizovaným zákonom. V Exekučnom poriadku je upravený centrálny register exekúcii. Ide o verejný zoznam, ktorý vedie a prevádzkuje Slovenská komora exekútorov. Centrálny register exekúcii je vedený komorou zásadne v elektronickej ...
Following up the popular peak performance book Organize Tomorrow Today, a new plan to motivate, set priorities and lead any team to optimal achievement Watch a….
THE ULTIMATE SALES BOOK gives you everything you need to succeed in sales and account management. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills covering the topics that will help you make a seismic impact upon your performance - faster than you ever thought possible.
The definitive history of the Great Financial Crisis, from the acclaimed author of The Deluge and The Wages of Destruction. In September 2008 the Great Financial Crisis, triggered by the collapse of Lehman brothers, shook the world. A decade later its spectre still haunts us. As the appalling scope and ...
Creating a successful global product is complex. Why do some products survive or become reinvented? What makes a product loved by some and despised by others? What key issues were present when some of the most notable inventions and product designs occurred? Through interviews with successful product ...
Every encounter between two people begins with a greeting. Be it a quick ''Hello!'' or the somewhat longer and gracious ''Sula manchwanta galunga omugobe!'', shaking hands or shaking, well, rather more private parts of our anatomy, we have been doing it many times daily for thousands of years. It should ...
This tech-oriented career guide for readers of #Girlboss and Lean In alternates teaching career skills with inspiring personal stories from successful women in….
We're all in Sales nowParents sell their kids on going to bed. Spouses sell their partners on mowing the lawn. We sell our bosses on giving us more money and more time off. And in astonishing numbers we go online to sell ourselves on Facebook, Twitter and online dating profiles. Relying on science, analysis ...
Thomas Piketty''s Capital in the Twenty-First Century is the most widely discussed work of economics in recent years. But are its analyses of inequality and economic growth on target? Where should researchers go from there in exploring the ideas Piketty pushed to the forefront of global conversation? ...
Ben Horowitz, a leading venture capitalist, modern management expert, and New York Times bestselling author combines lessons both from history and modern organisational practice with practical and often surprising advice to help us build cultures that can weather both good and bad times. The times and ...
In the style of Spencer Johnson''s international bestseller Who Moved My Cheese, comes an accessible and uplifting business parable from bestselling author and a….
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Marketing na Facebooku a Instagramu, Autoři : Petr Weinlich, Rok vydania : 2019,
Motto: " Naučte člověka rybařit a bude mít co jíst do konce života. Dejte člověku rybu, kterou ulovil někdo jiný, a bude vás volit.” Ďáblův slovník ekonomie a financí je kniha, kterou lze zařadit do dvou kategorií: kromě literatury faktu také do přihrádky humor. Kniha navazuje na původní Ďáblův slovník, ...