Literatúra faktu sa teší veľkej obľube už od konca druhej svetovej vojny. V širšom slova zmysle označuje širokú škálu nefiktívnej literatúry, ktorá využíva biografické, reportážne, cestopisné, memoárové a denníkové prvky. Má obrovský význam pre kultúru, keďže sú v nej príťažlivo spracované udalosti dejinných a súčasných vedeckých materiálov. Najslávnejšími autormi sú napr. E. von Däniken, L. Souček či V. Zamarovský. Ak ste fanúšikom tejto literatúry a okrem čítania sa radi dozvedáte množstvo zaujímavostí, kníhkupectvách zoženiete rôzne knihy, ktoré si vás určite získajú.
The city as canvas: How self-expression, politics, and protest reclaim the streets Made in collaboration with its featured artists, Trespass traces the rise and global reach of graffiti and urban art, not just as a fringe visual movement but as a social phenomenon and central expression of youth. With ...
Jak vzniklo české pojetí surrealismu? Co jej ovlivnilo a čím je specifický? Již déle než sedmdesát let funguje v Praze Surrealistická skupina, jejíž umělecká díla a teoretické a politické postoje jsou dodnes považovány za zástupce klasické avantgardy a za kritické dědice jejích vymožeností. Kniha zobrazuje ...
The Palestine-Israel conflict is the most notorious and ingrained conflict of the twentieth, and now twenty-first, century. Yet the way it is reported in the media is often confusing, leading many to assume the hostilities stretch back to an ancient period. The Palestine-Israel Conflict is the first ...
This riveting, myth-destroying book reveals how, contrary to popular belief, humankind has become progressively less violent, over millenia and decades. Can violence really have declined? The images of conflict we see daily on our screens from around the world suggest that this is an almost obscene claim ...
Cena:17.05€ | Autor:Lubben, Shelley Lynn | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780983189008 | Vydavateľ:Shelley Lubben Communications
Knihu Duch a síla (Hugo Vaníček) si môžete pohodlne objednať na Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve
An important work that offers a clear-eyed assessment of the disaster and its consequences. . . Plokhy tells the story with great assurance and style, and the majority of his material appears here for
Our understanding of the ''tree of life'', with powerful implications for human genetics, human health and our own human nature, has recently completely changed. This book is about a new method of telling the story of life on earth - through molecular phylogenetics. It involves a fairly simple method ...
Knihu Dějiny světa 4 (Walter Demel) si môžete pohodlne objednať na Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve
Tento skvělý životopis Jindřicha VIII. je zasazen do prostředí králova dvora – nejoslnivějšího, jaký kdy Anglie zažila – se všemi jeho kulturními, společenskými a politickými souvislostmi a do nádhery jeho četných přepychových paláců. Čtenářsky přitažlivé vyprávění je doslova nabito barvitým líčením ...
"The Vintage Tea Party helps you plan not only stunning recipes for all sorts of delicious treats but also gives you countless styling tips for th…
An enthralling journey through 40,000 years of art, from prehistoric cave paintings right up to the present day. Discover artists and their art around the world…
A fresh take on the history of art, using cultural timelines to reveal little-known connections and influences between artworks and artistic movements. Most surveys of the history of art are divided into historic periods, artistic schools, and movements. In reality, movements and artists’ careers overlap ...
Knihu Dějiny světa 6 (Hans-Ulrich Thamer) si môžete pohodlne objednať na Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve
1990. Dalsi dil sestisvazkove edice Dejiny sveta prinasi na priblizne 500 stranach nejnovejsi poznatky k danemu obdobi, jimz je nyni doba zhruba od nastupu islamu po velke zamorske objevy. Usporadani kapitol ma opet v komplexni perspektive ukazat souvislo
Knihu Moskevský proces (Vladimír Bukovskij) si môžete pohodlne objednať na Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve
Beneath the original Venetian glass and rosewood case at La Specola in Florence lies Clemente Susini''s Anatomical Venus (c. 1790), a perfect object whose luxuriously bizarre existence challenges belief. It - or, better, she - was conceived of as a means to teach human anatomy without need for constant ...
A new generation of female artists is emerging who have grown up in a culture saturated with social media and selfies. This book looks at how young women are us…