The Fat Duck Cookbook

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Cena: Do 29 dní Do obchodu

Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Kuchárske knihy

Combining autobiography, signature recipes, and background from scientific experts, this is the eagerly-awaited restaurant book from the inimitable Heston Blumenthal. The book itself will be a work of beautiful design, with cloth binding, multiple ribbons, luxury slipcase, incredible colour photography ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Kuchárske knihy


Combining autobiography, signature recipes, and background from scientific experts, this is the eagerly-awaited restaurant book from the inimitable Heston Blumenthal. The book itself will be a work of beautiful design, with cloth binding, multiple ribbons, luxury slipcase, incredible colour photography and illustrations by Dave McKean. Snail porridge and bacon-and-egg ice cream anyone?


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