Recipes from the Woods

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100 delicious recipes featuring game and foraged ingredients showcase the pleasure of cooking from the woods. Respected French chef and writer Jean-François Mallet has assembled 100 delicious recipes featuring game and foraged ingredients, such as chestnuts, dandelion leaves, nettles, and wild strawberries. ...viac

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100 delicious recipes featuring game and foraged ingredients showcase the pleasure of cooking from the woods. Respected French chef and writer Jean-François Mallet has assembled 100 delicious recipes featuring game and foraged ingredients, such as chestnuts, dandelion leaves, nettles, and wild strawberries. Organized into chapters based on food type - furred game (venison, wild boar, hare); feathered game (partridge, pheasant, quail); mushrooms, herbs, and snails; and nuts and berries - the recipes encourage readers to source and discover the pleasure of cooking game and wild foods. From sautéed venison with port and chestnuts to stuffed partridge with kale, these beautifully illustrated dishes bring the flavours of the woods directly into home kitchens.


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