Good Housekeeping Cookery Book

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Since its first publication in 1948, the Good Housekeeping Cookery Book has sold over 2 million copies, firmly establishing it as the ultimate cook''s bible. This updated edition celebrates 90 years of the Good Housekeeping Institute and contains their ultimate collection of over 500 delicious, triple-tested ...viac

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Since its first publication in 1948, the Good Housekeeping Cookery Book has sold over 2 million copies, firmly establishing it as the ultimate cook''s bible. This updated edition celebrates 90 years of the Good Housekeeping Institute and contains their ultimate collection of over 500 delicious, triple-tested recipes. The Good Housekeeping Cookery Book has the perfect recipe for every occasion - from traditional dishes that have been passed down from generation to generation to contemporary classics. Discover hundreds of delicious ideas for meat, poultry, fish and vegetarian dishes, as well as mouth-watering cakes, puddings, jams, pickles and chutneys. Each page is packed with useful information - including recipe preparation and cooking times, freezing notes and nutritional info - plus you''ll find tips on everything from storing fresh herbs and jointing a chicken to icing cakes and making perfect pastry. The book also includes hundreds of pictures to help you achieve perfect results every time. Complete with all the recipes that every cook should know, this classic compendium is an essential reference for every kitchen.


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