Eating with the Chefs

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Kuchárske knihy

Eating with the Chefs documents the daily meal shared by chefs and front-of-house staff at eighteen top restaurants including Noma, Le Chateaubriand and The French Laundry. Captured through exquisite photography by Per-Anders Jörgensen and easy-to-follow recipes Eating with the Chefs provides a unique ...viac

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Eating with the Chefs documents the daily meal shared by chefs and front-of-house staff at eighteen top restaurants including Noma, Le Chateaubriand and The French Laundry. Captured through exquisite photography by Per-Anders Jörgensen and easy-to-follow recipes Eating with the Chefs provides a unique insight into the ordinary food behind the immaculate kitchen walls.


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