Kniha - Ricardo Liniers, 192 strán, česky, brožovaná bez lesklého krytu.Desiaty diel Vášho obľúbeného Macanudo - ktoré sa v Argentíne aj v ďalších krajinách po celom svete už stalo klasikou - prináša okrem obvyklej porcie zábavy. ešte jednu neobvyklú porciu navyše! Aj v desiatom diele Macanudo Vás rozosmejú ...
Komiksové vydání světové klasiky. Annelies Marie Franková (12. června 1929 - březen 1945) v roce 1933 s rodiči uprchla z Německa do Amsterodamu, kde se rodina od roku 1942 skrývala v půdním bytě. Dospívající Anne psala od 12. června 1942 do 4. srpna 1944 deník. Po prozrazení skrýše byla rodina odvezena ...
položka spadá pod zvláštní režim - použité zboží DPH dle § 90 zákona č. 235/2004 Sb.
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical auto-mail limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his and his brother''s bodies.the legendary ...
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Trikolora, Autoři : Martin Šinkovský, Rok vydania : 2019,.
Vo svete obývanom antropomorfnými zvieratami Zákon povoľuje iba spojenie medzi jedincami tej istej rasy.
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Jarmil in India, Autoři : Marek Rubec, Rok vydania : 2021,.
Before the Batcave and Robin, the Joker and the Batmobile.there was Zero Year. The Riddler has plunged Gotham City into darkness. How will a young Dark Knight bring his beloved hometown from the brink of chaos and madness and back into the light? From the critically acclaimed, New York Times (numbered) ...
Gambit-one of the smoothest, best-looking operators in the world of the X-Men. Deadpool-one of the most annoying, ugliest dirtbags in the world of everything. Naturally, these guys got beef. But do you know what they have in common? A secret history of working together to pull con-jobs. That''s right-the ...
Deadpool awakes from a food coma to find.the zombie apocalypse has occurred! Now, can the Merc with a mouth avoid becoming the Merc in their mouths?! Thrill to the sight of a hideous, rotting-fleshed monster shambling about the landscape.and don''t forget all the zombies that he''s fighting! (Get it? ...
Titus and Yuri continue traveling in a world where the civilizationcollapsed. What did the two who ventured to the upper level of the cityfind?
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool,, Rok vydania : 2019,.
50th-anniversary Deluxe Edition of the incomparable 20th-century masterpiece of satire and fantasy, in a newly revised version of the acclaimed Pevear and Volokhonsky translation Nothing in the whole of literature compares with"The Master and Margarita."One spring afternoon, the Devil, trailing fire ...
Cena:21.2€ | Autor:Gaiman, Neil | Rok vydania:2010 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781401225759 | Vydavateľ:Vertigo
Život a doba Držgroša McDucka je súbor dvanástich príbehov, ktoré mapujú celoživotné príbehy najbohatšieho káčera na svete. Vydajte sa po Držgrošových stopách zo škótskeho mesta Glasgow a Vysočiny cez divokú Ameriku, Klondike, Južnú Afriku a Austráliu, zoznámte sa s jeho rodinou a tešte sa zo všetkých ...
Hellboy has finally returned from his adventures at sea, but no sooner has he settled on land than a conclave of witches drags him from his respite and into the heart of Russian folklore, where he becomes the quarry of the powerful and bloodthirsty witch Baba Yaga. The latest adventure in the Hellboy ...