Little Kong

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Knihy pre mládež

Where the Wild Things Are has met its match: Esmeralda and Little Kong! Esmeralda was an Exceptionally Naughty girl. 'Close your mouth when you chew, Esmeralda!' 'Esmeralda, stop running! Act like a lady.' 'Esmeralda! What have you done to the garden?' One day, Esmeralda's parents have had enough. They ...viac

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Where the Wild Things Are has met its match: Esmeralda and Little Kong!

Esmeralda was an Exceptionally Naughty girl.

'Close your mouth when you chew, Esmeralda!'

'Esmeralda, stop running! Act like a lady.'

'Esmeralda! What have you done to the garden?'

One day, Esmeralda's parents have had enough.

They push her bed into the sea, in the hope that, if she spends some time on her own, she will learn some manners.

The bed washes up on an island, where Little Kong, a large blue monkey, tries to get the better of Esmeralda. But he is soon totally disillusioned...

Esmeralda is quickly able to turn the tables on him: it's Little Kong who is tamed.

Esmeralda feels perfectly at home on the island. What will happen when her parents come to fetch her?


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