Little Childrens Holiday Pad

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Cena: Do 31 dní Do obchodu

Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Knihy pre mládež

This entertaining activity pad is packed with nearly 200 holiday-themed activities, including puzzles, doodles, dot-to-dots, wordsearches, spot the differences and simple logic games. Convenient pocket-size is handy for car journeys, camping trips, school holidays or days out; an excellent solution for ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Knihy pre mládež


This entertaining activity pad is packed with nearly 200 holiday-themed activities, including puzzles, doodles, dot-to-dots, wordsearches, spot the differences and simple logic games. Convenient pocket-size is handy for car journeys, camping trips, school holidays or days out; an excellent solution for bored children who ''have nothing to do''. Illustrations: Full colour throughout.


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