LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes The Awesome Guide

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Go behind the scenes with all of your favourite Super Heroes and Super-Villains in the action-packed, fact-filled LEGO (R) DC Super Heroes The Awesome Guide. Join the stars of the LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes sets on epic adventures and in thrilling battles. Learn about their superpowers, weapons, vehicles ...viac

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Go behind the scenes with all of your favourite Super Heroes and Super-Villains in the action-packed, fact-filled LEGO (R) DC Super Heroes The Awesome Guide. Join the stars of the LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes sets on epic adventures and in thrilling battles. Learn about their superpowers, weapons, vehicles and secret identities. Starring Wonder Woman (TM), Superman (TM), The Flash (TM), Brainiac (TM) and many, many more. Includes an exclusive LEGO (R) DC Comics Super Heroes minifigure! (c)2017 The LEGO Group and TM and (c) DC Comics (s17).


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