Growing Together

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Knihy pre mládež

A brand-new set of refreshingly off-beat picture books from the best-selling author of Everyone Poops From best-selling children''s author Taro Gomi comes a set of four new books: Playing, Imagining, Growing, and Sharing. Each book features a different pair of family members loving and learning from ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Knihy pre mládež


A brand-new set of refreshingly off-beat picture books from the best-selling author of Everyone Poops From best-selling children''s author Taro Gomi comes a set of four new books: Playing, Imagining, Growing, and Sharing. Each book features a different pair of family members loving and learning from one another.seasoned with the honesty, warmth, and eccentricity that Gomi so beautifully delivers. A little boy imagines the journeys that he and his father go on together; a little girl speculates about her mother''s life before she became a mom; an older brother thinks back to when he was the baby; and sisters attempt to halve and share everything in their path. Each humorously narrated story is as messy, unpredictable, and endearing as everyday life with a child! Created for ages 2-5 years.


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