Dylan The Teacher

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Dylan\''s on his way - are you ready to play? Dylan the Teacher is the third picture book in a series featuring an exuberant stripy dog, who just loves to play. Created by bestselling illustrator Guy Parker-Rees, Dylan is a joyous new character who uses playing and fun to help toddlers explore and understand ...viac

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Dylan\''s on his way - are you ready to play? Dylan the Teacher is the third picture book in a series featuring an exuberant stripy dog, who just loves to play. Created by bestselling illustrator Guy Parker-Rees, Dylan is a joyous new character who uses playing and fun to help toddlers explore and understand their world. Today Dylan is playing at being a teacher. But being a teacher isn\''t as easy as it looks. There are quite a few disasters - and a splosh in the river - before Dylan finally discovers what he\''s good at teaching: his Cheery-Warm-Up Song and Dance! Look out for Dylan\''s friend, Dotty Bug, on every page, as she encourages readers to join in with the story.


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