The World of Warcraft Pop-Up Book

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Iné hobby a záľuby

Choose your faction, pick your weapon, and prepare for an astonishing vision of the world of Azeroth like you''ve never seen before! Built by best-selling paper engineer Matthew Reinhardt, the World of Warcraft Pop-Up Book brings the most well-loved locations of Warcraft to life, from the classic faction ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Iné hobby a záľuby


Choose your faction, pick your weapon, and prepare for an astonishing vision of the world of Azeroth like you''ve never seen before! Built by best-selling paper engineer Matthew Reinhardt, the World of Warcraft Pop-Up Book brings the most well-loved locations of Warcraft to life, from the classic faction hubs of Ogrimmar and Stormwind, to the battle-scarred lands of Lordaeron and Teldrassil, and even the new capital cities of Kul Tiras and Zandalar! Each page unfolds into an eye-popping treat, depicting iconic locations with brand new art and interactive pieces that you''ve never seen before. Unfold each individual spread to form a map of Azeroth!


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