All About Eve

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Cena: Do 48 hodín Do obchodu

Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Fotografia, film

Eve Arnold’s interest in photography started late with a photo-finishing job in New York City in 1946. A member of Magnum Photos, her list of assignments were a mix of politics, social issues, travel, and current events, with a little glamour thrown in. Arnold is perhaps best known for her images of ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Fotografia, film


Eve Arnold’s interest in photography started late with a photo-finishing job in New York City in 1946. A member of Magnum Photos, her list of assignments were a mix of politics, social issues, travel, and current events, with a little glamour thrown in. Arnold is perhaps best known for her images of Marilyn Monroe. She has chronicled figures as diverse as migrant potato workers, heads of state, and screen icons. A blend of exacting technique and moral courage would typify her long career which never settled for clichés or stereotypes. Guided in her own words, this volume features Arnold’s iconic photographs as well as many never-before published images.


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