Prvá fotografia uzrela svetlo sveta v roku 1826 a urobil ju Joseph Niépce. Za prvý film vďačíme bratom Lumierovcom, ktorí v roku 1895 zorganizovali prvé filmové predstavenie . Tieto počiatočné zázraky sa stále zlepšovali, a tak sa v dnešnej dobe môžeme tešiť z tých najdokonalejších fotografií a najlepších filmov. Na to, aby ste sa stali majstrom fotenia či odborníkom na filmy, potrebujete knihy, ktoré vám v tom pomôžu. Ak však len zbierate knihy plné úžasných fotografií, aj vy si prídete na svoje.
Including 121 artists from 40 different countries as selected by 79 curators, critics and established artists, Vitamin Ph includes the following artists: Armando Andrade Tudela, Alexander Apostól, Miriam Bäckström, Yto Barrada, Erica Baum, Valérie Belin, Walead Beshty, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Luchezar Boyadjiev, ...
They''re not your girls next door. This title deals with fashion and fetish in a female fantasyland. Ellen von Unwerth was a supermodel before the term was invented, so she knows a thing or two about photographing beautiful women. Now one of the world''s most original and successful fashion photographers, ...
It\''s fair to say we all love a holiday. That perfect countryside retreat, captivating beach house, or remote island villa offers an experience that lingers beyond a stolen weekend or those carefree two weeks. But how do you grab some of that global glamour and transport it back home? Featuring fabulous ...
Silent Land is a portrait of life in Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest and remotest countries. Photographer ?sa Sjöström visited the country repeatedly in the ‘00s. When she returned in 2014 she noticed that something had changed. Moldova had become silent: ‘When I arrived in Moldova for the first time, ...
The Lumas gallery''''s mission to make high-quality art affordable and accessible to a broader range of collectors has been a successful one right from the start. As before, Stefanie Harig and Marc Ullrich present a mix of established art-world notables alongside a carefully curated selection of talented ...
The title of this book is a phrase that Steve McCurry uses a lot when talking about his work – he is always trying to capture those \''unguarded moments\'' when people are at their most unselfconscious. McCurry takes photographs all over the world, for National Geographic magazine as well as his own ...
Einige ihrer Aufnahmen sind so ikonisch geworden, dass mancher schon vergessen hat, wem wir sie verdanken... Dieses Buch erinnert uns daran, welchen Dienst uns Annie Leibovitz damit erwiesen hat, auf
Kniha - Federica Guarnieri; Roberto Mottadelli, 224 strán, český, pevný s lesklým lesklým obalom Fotografie sa stali neoddeliteľnou súčasťou toho, ako pozeráme na súčasné celospoločenské udalosti. Ttao kniha je oslavou fotografie, obsahuje snímky, ktoré zachytávajú významné historické okamihy - od prvého ...
Fotograf, etnograf, zakladateľ prvej filmovej školy v Československu. Národný umelec, ktorý zanechal po sebe rozsiahly archív nádherných, zväčša čiernobielych fotografií slovenskej dediny, obyčajných ľudí a českých miest. Karol Plicka bol i hudobníkom, virtuózom na husliach, zakladateľom chlapčenských ...
A baby\''s first year is filled with an endless stream of new experiences, contributing profoundly to their physical, mental, and emotional development. Typically at the age of one-year an infant has the motor skills and ability to sit on their own for the first time and their uninhibited gaze provides ...
This book on the photographic collection of the Moravian Gallery in Brno contains a cross-section of the best that two generations of curators have succeeded in putting together over the past fifty years. It takes the reader on a tour through the small universe of the collection, with examples of photographs ...
Jaromír Funke (1896-1945)patřil mezi novátory moderní fotografie, podobně jako Jaroslav Rössler, Man Ray, László Moholy-Nagy, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Alexander Rodčenko, Paul Strand, Edward Weston a další. Podobně jako oni se Funke - roku 1922 - vydal na cestu k abstrakci, která vyústila v jeho vlastním ...
The fourth edition of this comprehensive history of photography has been thoroughly revised and updated. Spanning the entire history of the medium, from its early development to current practice, and providing a focused understanding of the cultural contexts in which photographers have lived and worked ...
Knihu Atlantica Velký atlas světa s družicovými snímky (autor neuvedený) si môžete pohodlne objednať na Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve
REBO Productions; ISBN: 859-85-940733-7-8;
The lives and passion of heavy metal fans around the world captured in vivid images. Heavy metal is a phenomenon. Although this musical genre is still ridiculed by many, it is currently more popular and successful around the world than at its supposed peak in the 1980s. Today, so-called metalheads can ...
Erotica 3 The Nude in Contemporary Photography.
Ukážky 100% prírodných hotelov zo srdca Afriky. Whether you’ve always dreamed of a vacation in Africa or never even considered it, take one look through this book and you’ll be planning your next five holidays before you know it. Our selection of the most splendid getaway havens nestled throughout ...
Explore the world one step at a time. Wanderlust presents legendary walking routes with inviting maps, practical tips, and inspiring landscape photographs. The exciting Canyon Trail in Zion-National Park, the spectacular El Caminito del Rey in Spain, the pilgrim trail on the holy Kumano Kodo in Japan ...