Prvá fotografia uzrela svetlo sveta v roku 1826 a urobil ju Joseph Niépce. Za prvý film vďačíme bratom Lumierovcom, ktorí v roku 1895 zorganizovali prvé filmové predstavenie . Tieto počiatočné zázraky sa stále zlepšovali, a tak sa v dnešnej dobe môžeme tešiť z tých najdokonalejších fotografií a najlepších filmov. Na to, aby ste sa stali majstrom fotenia či odborníkom na filmy, potrebujete knihy, ktoré vám v tom pomôžu. Ak však len zbierate knihy plné úžasných fotografií, aj vy si prídete na svoje.
Štúdia pojednáva o šestici filmových diel Jiřího Menzla, v ktorých sa tento mimoriadne úspešný a uznávaný režisér pokúsil sebe vlastným, neopakovateľným spôsobom adaptovať šesť literárnych predlôh fenomenálneho českého spisovateľa Bohumila Hrabala.
VIEW—the monthly general interest magazine from the publishers of Stern—recently held an online competition for the best nude photographs. This title presents the ten winning images chosen by Internet users as well as a "Best-Of” of the nude photography from the VIEW photo community. These pictures constitute ...
Including 121 artists from 40 different countries as selected by 79 curators, critics and established artists, Vitamin Ph includes the following artists: Armando Andrade Tudela, Alexander Apostól, Miriam Bäckström, Yto Barrada, Erica Baum, Valérie Belin, Walead Beshty, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Luchezar Boyadjiev, ...
one2one is a celebration of the rare moment of intimate connection between a photographer and a celebrity that results in the creation of a truly iconic image. Despite today’s excess of celebrity imagery, there are still those portraits, and photographers, that rise above and define the public’s perception ...
Three generations of the Porsche family have defined automobile history, in particular the saga of the sports car. This tale spans 110 years from the Lohner electric car, the first hybrid vehicle, to the latest from Porsche, the new Panamera touring car - exciting cars, whose forms and names are known ...
Kniha představuje tvorbu významné osobnosti české imaginativní fotografie. Před časem o autorovi napsala Běla Kolářová: "Luděk Vojtěchovský nedbá na lákání neustále nově vynalézaných perfektních fotoaparátů, které po cvaknutí závěrky zhotoví jakoukoliv fotografii. Raději se zavírá v temné komoře pod ...
This is the definitive visual history, from the dawn of photography to the digital age. Photography is a beautiful lavishly illustrated reference book tracing the history of photography from its origins in the 1800s to the global phenomenon of digital photography. Photography celebrates the most iconic ...
The Polaroid Corporation''s photography collection is the greatest portfolio of Polaroid images in the world. TEXTTEXTBegun by Polaroid founder Edwin Land and photographer Ansel Adams, the collection now includes some 23,000 images by hundreds of photographers throughout the world, including pieces by ...
The book delineates the evolution of photography from its invention until the 21st century, through the main figures who have done the history of this modern art. The appearance of photography have led to a revelation in the art and culture s world. From Stieglitz to Beaton, from Baron de Mayer to Mapplethorpe, ...
This unique luxury limited edition in box contains also a photo on an aluminum plate signed by the author (book with photo No. 1 Arashiyama, Japan). In a portfolio are these photos: No 1. Arashiyama, Japan No 2. Grand Prismatic Spring, USA No 3. Spišský hrad, Slovakia No 4. Národný park Slovenský raj, ...
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, 103 osobností české fotografie, , Rok vydania : 2017,
Kniha je první publikací, která se u nás zabývá podrobněji vztahem fotografie a výtvarného umění (zvl. malbou a grafikou) v 19. století. Seznamuje čtenáře s nesmírně pozoruhodným a nepříliš prozkoumaným tématem z pomezí historie umění, fotografie a vizuální kultury. Vztah fotografie a umění byl vždy ...
V knize, která vychází k 60 letům televizního vysílání, si každý najde svůj idol. Ať už mezi herci a herečkami, seriály či večerníčky, zpěváky a hudebníky, mistry slova nebo těmi, co stáli v pozadí za kamerou. Televize znamená defilé populárních osobností a v této knize najdete čtivé medailonky k mnoha ...
The historical evolution of this astonishing photographic instrument matches the emotional charge of the famous images reproduced here. All sixteen Leica models, including digital cameras, are presented with relevant historical explanations and technical data alongside the works of such greats as Andre ...
Čiernobiela fotografia bola a stále je spájaná s najvyššou fotografickou kvalitou. Naučte sa aj vy umenie prevodu snímok do čiernobielej podoby. Je svojím spôsobom zaujímavé, že digitálne fotoaparáty ponúkajú záujemcom o čiernobielu fotografickú tvorbu maximálnu voľnosť pre realizáciu ich zámerov. V ...
German photography pioneer&,nbsp,Karl Blossfeldt&,nbsp,(1865–1932) photographed plants so beautifully, and with such originality, that his work transcends the medium itself. Over more than 30 years, he took thousands of photographs, revealing a formally rigorous talent whose precision and dedication ...
This revised and expanded edition of "Art Photography Now" builds on the hugely successful first edition (2005), which traced the developments in art photography since the mid-nineteenth century and profiled world-famous artists such as Sophie Calle, Nan Goldin and Martin Parr. The book retains its seven ...
In a world where billions of snapshots are taken every year, why are some photographers and their works considered so significant? People have always tried to capture moments as images and over the c
Master of the sensual nude, Stefan May’s latest work captures the intimate splendor of the feminine form. This original collection combines duotone and color images in an imaginative assortment. The contrast between photographic modes helps the reader fully appreciate form, texture, as well as interplays ...