Prvá fotografia uzrela svetlo sveta v roku 1826 a urobil ju Joseph Niépce. Za prvý film vďačíme bratom Lumierovcom, ktorí v roku 1895 zorganizovali prvé filmové predstavenie . Tieto počiatočné zázraky sa stále zlepšovali, a tak sa v dnešnej dobe môžeme tešiť z tých najdokonalejších fotografií a najlepších filmov. Na to, aby ste sa stali majstrom fotenia či odborníkom na filmy, potrebujete knihy, ktoré vám v tom pomôžu. Ak však len zbierate knihy plné úžasných fotografií, aj vy si prídete na svoje.
These portraits of New Yorkers are remarkable for their diversity, but also for the common humanity that binds them all. Photographer Horst Hamann asked New Yorkers—an adventurous but generally skeptical bunch—to come off the street and be photographed with their eyes closed. The resulting work is a ...
In an increasingly mobile society, it’s common to cross the globe many times in a single month. Journeys that might once have taken weeks, now take hours. All of this travel is a suitable metaphor for Andrew Macpherson’s rise to the pinnacle of celebrity photography. He has literally traveled the world ...
As sweet as raspberry ripple, as tempting as popcorn: welcome to the seductive photographs of Pierre et Gilles. Bizarre and full of obscure significance, full of glitter, flowers, and hearts, the portraits are reminiscent of stills from film melodramas. This saccharine collection of kitsch encompasses ...
Představeni budou Jindřich Štreit, Péter Korniss, Milan Borovička, Misha Gordin, Steve McCurry, Dana Kyndrová, Iva Zímová, Carl de Keyzer, Karel Cudlín, Miloslav Stibor, Miloň Novotný, Jaroslav Kučera, Lois Greenfield, Sergej Maximišin, Mitch Dobrowner a Tomáš Svoboda.
Following up on our Great Escapes Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America titles is this volume concentrating on the most extraordinary and tempting Canadian and American hotels. Ranging from funky and inexpensive to luxuriously elegant and wildly pricy, these hotels, inns, guesthouses, bungalows, ranches, ...
Martin Schoeller is a master in both staged photographs as well as raw portraits establishing a new paradigm in photography. As typified in the best-selling Close Up, Schoeller captures well-known personalities stripped of artifice and PR spin. The resultant headshots are pure and resonant. Yet, this ...
In terms of celebrity icons, few attained the highest levels of fame and controversy as rapidly as Mae West. Labeled a "pornographer" by censorship boards, she was also one of 1930s Hollywood’s most lucrative box-office draws (causing Variety in 1933 to label the star "as hot an issue as Hitler"). Nicknamed ...
Publikace o Sedlčansku je atraktivní pozvánkou do regionu středního Povltaví. Vychází z barevných a černobílých snímků fotografa Martina Steckera, je členěna do devíti samostatných kapitol, ve kterých jsou připomenuty nejzajímavější oblasti sedlčanského regionu. Mimo jiné sakrální a světské památky, ...
These finely detailed, glorious color photographs examine the tulip in all its startling diversity. All are meticulously composed and lit with great clarity and readers will be dazzled by their beauty. Whether you’re an avid gardener or just a lover of beautiful photographs, you can’t help but be impressed. ...
Photography FAQs: Black and White is the third title in this series. The book is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to black-and-white photography; covering every aspect from capturing the image, filtration, to developing and printing an image and successful presentation. All your questions will ...
Photographic profile of this long lived helicopter. Many detail photographs make this book ideal for modellers.
Another gloriously detailed photo manual for modellers with detail colour shots from every conceivable angle of this British 155mm self-propelled howitzer and support vehicles such as the APC 105 Saxon, FV432, FV434, FV439 and Challenger ARRV.
The fourth edition of this comprehensive history of photography has been thoroughly revised and updated. Spanning the entire history of the medium, from its early development to current practice, and providing a focused understanding of the cultural contexts in which photographers have lived and worked ...
Scott Kelby, autor nejprodávanějších knih o Lightroomu a Photoshopu na světě, přichází s úplně novým konceptem svých příruček. Kniha je sestavena z kratších návodů, jež vás provedou jednotlivými činnostmi, které zrovna potřebujete, abyste se mohli rychle vrátit k samotným úpravám. Lightroom se díky svým ...
Mit empathischer Linse§§Robert Doisneaus Auge für alles Menschliche§Robert Doisneau hatte einen besonderen Sinn für die einfachen Freuden des Lebens sowie für die Sorgen und Nöte der Menschen. Er zähl
Výpravná obrazová publikácia Svet hôr je vrcholným dielom popredného českého fotografa krajiny a prírody Jiřího Havla, známeho osobitým vnímaním horských krás.V siedmich kapitolách pôsobivých fotografií zachytáva rozmanitosť a jedinečnosť viac než 50 hlavných horských masívov našej planéty.