A-Z Great Film Directors

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Cena: Do 33 dní Do obchodu

Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Encyklopédie, náučná literatúra pre deti

A striking, design-led reference book. A-Z Great Film Directors features Andy Tuohy''s portraits of 52 directors significant for their contribution to cinema including kings of world cinema Wong Kar-Wai and Akira Kurosawa, arthouse pioneers Fritz Lang and David Lynch as well as the often under-appreciated ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Encyklopédie, náučná literatúra pre deti


A striking, design-led reference book. A-Z Great Film Directors features Andy Tuohy''s portraits of 52 directors significant for their contribution to cinema including kings of world cinema Wong Kar-Wai and Akira Kurosawa, arthouse pioneers Fritz Lang and David Lynch as well as the often under-appreciated female directors Kathryn Bigelow and Jane Campion. With text by film journalist Matt Glasby, each director''s entry will also have a summary of the essential things you need to know about them, why they''re important, a list of their must-see films, and a surprising fact or two about them, as well as images of their key films throughout. So whether you''re already a film afficionado, or looking for a helpful cheat to pass convincingly as an arthouse fan, you''ll love this guide to international directors, past and present.

