Encyklopédie formou výkladového slovníka prinášajú nové informácie, fakty či poznatky ľudstva všeobecného charakteru aj špecializovaných vedných odborov. Prvú univerzálnu encyklopédiu zostavil Denis Diderot a bola ňou dvadsaťosem zväzková Encyklopédia alebo Racionálny slovník vied, umení a remesiel. Náučná literatúra patrí medzi hlavné kategórie literárneho systému a v publikáciách odhaľuje nový rozmer poznania, vedomostí a faktov. Takéto odborné a vedecké knihy môžete dnes nájsť v každom dobrom kníhkupectve.
From Twin Peaks to True Detective, this anthology of the most important and successful recent TV celebrates one of the greatest cultural movements of our time: the small screen revolution. Featuring a
Štvrtý zväzok Encyklopédie židovských náboženských obcí na Slovensku. "Encyklopédia židovských náboženských obcí na Slovensku" - Pinkas Hakehillot Slovakia vyšla v edícií múzea holokaustu JAD VAŠEM v Jerazaleme v roku 2003. Zostavovateľom je jeden z popredných izraelských historikov slovenského pôvodu ...
Kniha - autor Friederun Reichenstetterová, 32 stran, slovensky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá Uprostred leta sa narodili štyri malinké ježacie dieťatká. Ešte majú mäkké pichliače, už čoskoro ale budú dosť veľké na to, aby mohli preskúmať svet. Ježacia maminka ich všetko naučí: kde nájdu potravu a vodu, ako ...
Cinema: The Whole Story takes a close look at the key time periods, genres and key works in world cinema. It places the burgeoning world of cinema in the context of social and cultural developments that have taken place since its beginnings. Organized chronologically, the book traces the evolution of ...
Filled with gorgeous illustrations and artwork from HBO''s hit series, The Art of Game of Thrones is the definitive Game of Thrones art collection. Since its first season, Game of Thrones has been one of the most popular and successful television shows ever created. Beautifully crafted and presented ...
Maureen Furniss surveys the cultural, political and economic context of how this dynamic industry evolved, emphasizing both artistic and technical achievements from around the world – from Hollywood to Tokyo, from Moscow to Sydney. Featuring a timeline for each of its six parts, Animation: The Global ...
I would recommend it for every cigar-smoker's stocking this Christmas The Field
Meet the inventor of modern horror. This complete guideto the Hitchcock canon is a movie buff’s dream: from his 1925 debut The Pleasure Gardento 1976’s swan song Family Plot, we trace the filmmaker’s entire life and career. With a detailed entry for each of Hitchcock’s 53 movies, this clothbound book ...
Kniha plná tíživých obrazů, prostých vší dekorativnosti a intelektuální hravosti. Příběh se obrací k mladým čtenářům, kteří si ještě nestačili osvojit "zdravou" míru netečnosti a s ní "vyvážený" pohled na svět, nutný pro hladké proplouvání životem. Dává jim najevo, že jejich citlivost k různým podobám ...
On January 10, 1999, a mobster walked into a psychiatrist''s office and changed TV history. By shattering preconceptions about the kinds of stories the medium should tell, The Sopranoslaunched our current age of prestige television, paving the way for such giants as Mad Men, The Wire, Breaking Bad, and ...
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Monty Python Speaks! Revised and Updated Edition,, Rok vydania : 2019,.
Celebrate 90 years of Mickey Mouse with of one of the most expansive illustrated publications on the Disney universe:behind-the-scenes shots,rare animation art,….
The indispensable, illustrated pocket guide to the films of Wes Anderson, from Bottle Rocket to Isle of Dogs. ALSO AVAILABLE: Close-Ups: Vampire Movies Close-Ups: New York Movies Wes Anderson is a distinctive auteur of modern American cinema, known for having created a personal universe out of pastel ...
The lunar landing, the Watergate break-in, the release of Nelson Mandela, the death of Princess Diana, 9/11 - these triumphs and tragedies are among the many thousands that have shaped our world through the centuries. This remarkable book presents enthralling accounts of 1001 life-changing events that ...
More than thirty years ago, Star Wars burst onto the big screen and became a cultural phenomenon. Now the next adventures in this blockbuster saga are poised to captivate old and new fans alike-beginning with the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And alongside the cinematic debut comes ...
Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. In this XXL-sized tome, George Lucas guides us through the original trilogy like never before, recounting
Beginning in 2009, The Museum of Modern Art offered a weekly series of film screenings titled An Auteurist History of Film. Inspired by Andrew Sarris'' seminal work "The American Cinema," which developed on the idea of "auteur theory" first discussed by the critics of "Cahiers du Cinéma" in the 1950s, ...
Andy Warhol’s 1966 movie The Chelsea Girls is the iconic document of the Factory scene and 1960s New York. Filmed in part at the Chelsea Hotel with Factory Superstars like Nico, Ondine, Brigid Berlin, Gerard Malanga and Mary Woronov, The Chelsea Girls was Warhol’s first commercially successful film. ...
Written with input from director Rian Johnson, this official adaptation of Star Wars: The Last Jedi expands on the film to include scenes from alternate versions of the script and other additional content. From the ashes of the Empire has arisen another threat to the galaxy\''s freedom: the ruthless ...