Package Design Workbook

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This new addition to the Workbook series will provide readers with a thoughtful packaging primer that covers the challenges of designing packaging for a competitive market in a very hardworking and relevant way. The book will address all aspects of the creative process, including choosing a package format, ...viac

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This new addition to the Workbook series will provide readers with a thoughtful packaging primer that covers the challenges of designing packaging for a competitive market in a very hardworking and relevant way. The book will address all aspects of the creative process, including choosing a package format, colors and materials, final finishes, and special considerations such as awkward objects and unique display considerations. This book will break down the process of design in a much more comprehensive way than most books on the subject, which just analyze the final designs. As with the previous books in the series, it will also offer case studies in the back half of the book with the text focusing on why specific colors, formats, type treatments, and finishes were chosen, and what the resulting effects on the consumer and for the client were.


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